
Razlike v nekaterih parametrih igralne učinkovitosti med zmagovalci, poraženci in ekipami, ki so igrale neodločeno na OI 2016 za moške : magistrsko delo
ID Stegne, Matic (Author), ID Šibila, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: BE66223DBF52F0B45978374C9B3916CC
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9009a767-dc6d-4980-81dd-03fa5f80bcc8

Namen in cilji: Osnovni namen in cilj preučevanja magistrskega dela je bil s pomočjo zbranih podatkov analizirati vse tekme moškega rokometnega turnirja in ugotoviti razlike v nekaterih pokazateljih igralne učinkovitosti med zmagovalci, poraženci in ekipami, ki so igrale neodločeno na olimpijskih igrah 2016 za moške v Rio de Janeiru. Na ta način želimo pojasniti bistvene razlike v pojavljanju različnih igralnih parametrov med uspešnejšimi in manj uspešnimi moštvi. Metodologija: V vzorec analiziranih tekem smo vključili vseh 38 tekem (76 končnih izidov). Od tega je bilo 36 (47,4 %) zmagovalcev in prav toliko (36) poražencev (47,4 %). Dve tekmi (5,3 %) sta se končali z neodločenim izidom. Nadalje smo izbrali 17 spremenljivk iz aktivnosti v napadu in obrambi in izoblikovali 17 hipotez. Vse podatke smo pridobili na uradni strani mednarodne rokometne zveze (IHF) in jih obdelali s pomočjo računalniškega programa za statistično analizo (SPSS). Za vse parametre smo izračunali osnovne statistične značilnosti, normalnost porazdelitve, homogenost varianc in enosmerno analizo variance. Za vse parametre, ki ne izpolnjujejo predpostavk normalnosti porazdelitve in homogenosti varianc, smo uporabili Brown-Forsythov test. Z uporabo LSD post hoc testa pa smo ugotovili, med katerimi podskupinami prihaja do statistično pomembnih razlik. S pomočjo teh izračunov smo ugotovili razlike med zmagovalci, poraženci in ekipami, ki so igrale neodločeno. Ugotovitve dela: Rezultati so pokazali, da obstajajo statistično značilne razlike (med zmagovalci, poraženci in ekipami, ki so igrale neodločeno) pri naslednjih parametrih: skupno število golov, število golov iz protinapada, število golov izpred črte 6 metrov na sredini, število golov izpred črte 9 metrov in blokirani streli.

Keywords:rokomet, olimpijske igre 2016 za moške, parametri igralne učinkovitosti, analiza igre, razlike med zmagovalci, poraženci in ekipami, ki so igrale neodločeno
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96966 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5260209 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Differences in some playing efficiency parameters between winning, losing and drawing teams at the 2016 Olympics – men's tournament
Aims and objectives: The main research purpose and objective of the Master's thesis has been to analyse all the matches played in the men’s handball tournament by using the collected data and to determine differences in some playing efficiency indicators between winning, losing and drawing teams at the 2016 Olympic Games – Men’s tournament – in Rio de Janeiro. In this way, we want to explain the significant differences in the occurrence of various playing parameters between the most and least successful teams. Methodology: 38 matches (76 final results) were included in the sample of analysed matches, of which 36 (47.4%) were winning teams and just as many (36) losing teams (47.4%). Two matches (5.3%) ended in a tie. Moreover, we defined 17 variables that represented the activities of offence and defence and developed 17 hypotheses. All data were obtained from the official website of the International Handball Federation (IHF) and were processed by using a computer program for statistical analysis (SPSS). For all parameters we calculated basic statistical characteristics, normal distribution, homogeneity of variance and one-way analysis of variance. For all the parameters that do not satisfy the assumption of the normal distribution and homogeneity of variance we used the Brown-Forsythe test. By using the LSD Post-Hoc test, we found among which subgroups the statistically significant differences occur. Using these calculations, we determined the differences between the winning, losing and drawing teams. Findings: The results showed that there are statistically significant differences between the winning, losing and drawing teams in the following parameters: total number of goals scored, number of goals scored in counterattack, number of goals scored in front of the 6-meter goal line, number of goals scored in front of the 9-meter goal line and blocked shots.

Keywords:handball, 2016 Olympic Games – Men’s tournament, playing efficiency parameters, game analysis, differences between winning, losing and drawing

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