
ID Pavlovič, Sonja (Author), ID Aristovnik, Aleksander (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 716B14B106F21ECC005379434DB0151A
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/6699f336-7e31-43d2-a530-c76a4083f728

Diplomsko delo obravnava brezposelnost, in sicer predvsem mladih v Sloveniji in izbranih državah znotraj območja Evropske unije. Med izbranimi državami, s katerimi delam primerjavo, sta tudi Velika Britanija, ki kmalu več ne bo članica EU, ter Italija kot tretja evropska država. Gre za tri popolnoma različne države, ki pa imajo od leta 2008 enako težavo. Svetovna finančno-gospodarska kriza, ki je pred več kot petimi leti povzročila pravo razdejanje gospodarstva, se zelo pozna na trgu dela in njene posledice se še vedno kažejo v veliki brezposelnosti mladine. Obstaja več vzrokov, zakaj so mladi tako ranljiva skupina na trgu dela. Eden od najpomembnejših vzrokov za brezposelnost mladih je nedvomno pomanjkanje delovnih izkušenj, saj delodajalcem pridobljeno šolsko znanje več ni toliko pomembno kot praktično znanje, ki ima zanje vedno večjo veljavo. Namen diplomskega dela je razširjeno predstaviti problem zaposlovanja mladih in primerjati brezposelnost v Sloveniji, Veliki Britaniji in Italiji. Nadalje želim ugotoviti, kako se je stanje na tem področju skozi leta spreminjalo, kako se države soočajo z brezposelnostjo mladih in kakšne ukrepe so uvedle za njeno zmanjšanje. Ob tem podrobneje spoznavam vzroke za brezposelnost mladih in njene posledice, ko se nekdo, ki ne dobi službe, znajde kot brezposelna oseba. Ob zaključku diplomskega dela sem ugotovila, da je stopnja brezposelne mladine v izbranih državah naraščala vse od svetovne finančno-gospodarske krize. Od vseh treh primerjanih državah je najhuje prav v Italiji, saj je tam stopnja brezposelnih mladih dosegla skoraj polovico populacije mladih. Najnižjo stopnjo brezposelnosti mladih pa ima Velika Britanija, ki se že od začetka bori proti zmanjšanju in je izpeljala učinkovite ukrepe in reforme ter požela spodbudne rezultate. Slovenija se v okviru držav EU nahaja v zlati sredini, in sicer med izbranima državama – z brezposelnostjo mladih se bojuje bolje kot Italija in slabše kot Velika Britanija. Zanimiv je tudi podatek oz. rezultat analize, ki je pokazal, da je v vseh treh državah med mladimi, starimi od 15 do 24 let, po spolu največ brezposelnih moških. Sodeč po praksi bi mislili, da je ravno obratno, a ni. Verjetno je tako, ker se ženske načeloma izobražujejo dlje kot moški in posledično dokaj pozno vstopajo na trg dela, kjer nato hitreje pridobijo zaposlitev. Ukrepe in rešitve za reševanje brezposelne mladine je treba dobro analizirati in vpeljati v prakso. Slovenija in tudi Italija bi za zmanjšanje brezposelnosti mladih lahko opazovali Veliko Britanijo in se po njej zgledovali. Velik pomen je treba dati pridobitvi delovnih izkušenj že med samim šolanjem. Zatorej je smiselno uvesti več praks, pripravništev in mladim omogočiti pridobivanje (tudi večletnih) izkušenj s honorarnim delom.

Keywords:brezposelnost mladih, brezposelnost, trg dela, mladi, nezaposlenost, svetovna gospodarska kriza, Slovenija, Italija, Velika Britanija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96722 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.10.2017
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Secondary language

This thesis is dealing with Unemployment, specifically Youth Unemployment, in Slovenia and selected Countries within the European Union. Amongst the selected Countries, with which the comparison is made is Great Britain (which will in the future most probably not belong to the EU anymore) and also Italy as the other EU member. These are three totally different Countries, but with a common issue, which started in 2008. The Global Financial and Economic Crisis, which caused the real devastation of the Economy in Countries more than 5 years ago, is still recognizable on the Labor Market and with High Rates of Unemployment, especially Youth. Each generation is tackling with the problems on the Labor Market, but there are several reasons why Youth is a vulnarable group within a Labor Market. One of the most important reasons for not employing the Youth is Lack of Work Experience, since Employers no longer see the acquired Theoretical knowledge (Schools) as an Asset, but they value more the practical knowledge (Work). The purpose of the Thesis is to present the Problem of Youth Unemployment and comparison of Unemployment between Slovenia, Great Britain and Italy. With the Thesis, I want to find out how has the Situation in this field changed over the years, How the Countries are Dealing with it and what Measures have been taken to Reduce the Unemployment. In my research for the Thesis, I have found out, that the rate of Youth Unemployment has been increasing for the selected Countries, since the Global Financial and Economic Crisis. Of all three compared Countries, the worst is in Italy, as the rate of Unemployed Youth reached alsmost half of Youth Popluation (50%). Great Britain has the lowest rate of Youth Unemployment, as they are tackling the Unemployment since the beginning, with Actions and Reforms that were Effective and ecouraging and brought Results. Slovenia is within the EU as usual in the middle, among the selected two Countries. It is taclking the problem better than Italy, but not as good as Great Britain. Interesting information i.e. the result of the analysis, showed that in all three Countries, among the Young People aged 15-24, most Men are Unemployed in terms of Yex. Judging from the widly shown information, we would think that the opposite is true. This is in principle, because Women are longer in Education, than Men and they enter the Labor Market later, where they get a job faster. Actions and Solutions for Tackling the Youth Unemployment need to be well Analyzed and put into Practice. Slovenia, as well as Italy, should observe Great Britain in order to know how to tackle the Youth Unemployment. High importance should be given in gaining the Work Experience already during the Education. That can achieved with more Practical Work Experience, Internships, Industrial Placements and enable the Young to gain Experience (inclucing Multi-Annual) through Part-Time (Contract) jobs.

Keywords:Youth unemployment, Unemployment, Labor Market, Youth, The Global Economic Crisis, Slovenia, Italy, Great Britain

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