
Edicijska dolžnost in varstvo zaupnosti novinarskih podatkov v kazenskem postopku
ID Uršič, Tjaša (Author), ID Gorkič, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: DE33AB76F3CC699F80C0F5F12736E3E4
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2d6d551e-ac0b-447e-bb70-9868a51f29bb

Edicijska dolžnost je pojem, ki označuje dolžnost zavezancev, da na zahtevo organa posredujejo predmete ali podatke. Ta dolžnost velja tudi v kazenskem postopku. Zavezanci morajo ravnati v skladu z zahtevo, saj so v nasprotnem primeru predvidene sankcije oziroma se s posredovanjem zahtevanega lahko izognejo nadaljnjemu ukrepanju organov pregona. Prav zaradi tega je vprašanje ureditve edicijske dolžnosti v zakonodaji pomembno, saj praviloma predstavlja prvo fazo postopanja organov odkrivanja in pregona pred morebitnimi kasnejšimi, bolj invazivnimi ukrepi. Ker pomeni posredovanje zahtevanih podatkov ali predmetov aktivno ravnanje zavezanca, je potrebno, zaradi zagotavljanja privilegija zoper samoobtožbo in omejitev oziroma oprostitev pri pričanju, v zakonodaji določiti za obdolženca, relativno nesposobne priče in privilegirane priče izjeme od te dolžnosti brez morebitnih posledic. Sedanji Zakon o kazenskem postopku to vprašanje nedosledno ureja. Pomanjkljiva ureditev, ki je vzbudila moje zanimanje, se nanaša na položaj novinarjev, ki se znajdejo v kazenskem postopku zato, ker so njihovi viri informacij storili kaznivo dejanje (običajno izdaje tajnih podatkov). Z namenom odkritja kaznivega dejanja, storilca oziroma dokazov, pomembnih za kazenski postopek, imajo organi odrivanja in pregona možnost odreditve in izvedbe različnih dejanj, usmerjenih proti novinarju. Edicijska dolžnost praviloma predstavlja prvi korak, s katerim je novinar prisiljen sodelovati z organi odkrivanja in pregona. Temu lahko sledijo bolj invazivni ukrepi, na podlagi katerih je mogoče pridobiti zaupne novinarske podatke, ki so ob neprimerni, sedanji ureditvi, ogroženi. Pomanjkanje jasnih določb in jamstev za zaščito novinarjevih virov informacij lahko negativno vpliva ne samo na delo novinarjev in pravico do svobode izražanja in tiska, ampak tudi na pravico javnosti do obveščenosti.

Keywords:edicijska dolžnost, novinar, privilegirane priče, svoboda izražanja, sodna praksa ESČP, zaščita informacijskih virov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96683 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15846225 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The duty to provide information and objects and the protection of journalists' confidential sources in the criminal procedure
The duty to provide information and objects is a concept defining the obligation of individuals to furnish information or objects when requested by the authorities. This obligation is valid in the criminal procedure as well. Individuals in question have the duty to comply with the request, as in the opposite case sanctions are foreseen, moreover, acting in accordance with the request can contribute to avoiding further law enforcement agencies’ proceedings. Thus, the legislative regulation of the duty to provide information and objects remains of the utmost importance, since in criminal procedures, it generally represents the first level of actions taken by law enforcement agencies, before undergoing eventual more invasive measures. Providing requested information or objects signifies active behaviour of the individual. Therefore, it is necessary, in order to ensure the implementation of the privilege against self-incrimination and limitation or exemption regarding testimony, to legislatively define the accused, relatively incompetent and privileged witnesses exceptions from this duty without consequences. The current Code of Criminal Procedure inconsistently handles this question. My interest was triggered by insufficient regulation concerning the position of journalists involved in criminal procedures due to criminal offenses committed by their sources of information (usually the release of classified information). With the aim of disclosing the criminal offense, the perpetrator or the evidence significant for the procedure, the law enforcement agencies have the possibility to order or inflict different actions against the journalist. As a rule, the duty to provide information will represent the first step compelling the journalist to collaborate with the law enforcement agencies. More invasive measures of gathering confidential journalistic information, currently compromised by the inappropriate legislation, might follow. The absence of explicit provisions and guarantees for the protection of journalistic sources of information, might result in negative consequences, affecting not only journalists’ work and freedom of expression and of the press, but also the right of the public to be informed.

Keywords:duty to provide information and objects, journalist, privileged witnesses, freedom of expression, judicial practice of the ECHR, protection of journalistic sources of information

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