
Ustvarjalni gib v 1. starostnem obdobju
ID Ljubi, Kaja (Author), ID Geršak, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Otroci imajo veliko potrebo po gibanju. Z ustvarjalnim gibom otroci spoznavajo različne vsebine. S pomočjo ustvarjalnega giba in plesa se otroci gibajo, izražajo, ustvarjajo, razvijajo svojo domišljijo in krepijo odnose v skupini. V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala pozitivne učinke izvajanja ustvarjalnega giba v 1. starostnem obdobju. V teoretičnem delu sem s pomočjo različne literature predstavila in opisala ustvarjalni gib, njegov pomen za celostni razvoj otroka, vplive ustvarjalnega giba in plesa na otrokov kognitivni, socialno-čustveni in psihomotorični razvoj, kako sta plesna vzgoja in ustvarjalni gib opredeljena v Kurikulumu za vrtce, kateri so elementi plesa, katere so primerne plesne spodbude ter zakaj je dobro, da v plesno dejavnost vključimo tudi sproščanje. V empiričnem delu je predstavljen projekt izvajanja plesnih dejavnosti na temo ustvarjalnega giba, ki sem jih izvajala z otroki, starimi od 2 do 3 leta iz skupine Gosenice, Vrtec Domžale, enota Krtek Ihan. Preko osmih različnih plesnih dejavnosti so se otroci seznanili z ustvarjalnim gibom, samostojnim plesnim ustvarjanjem in s svojim telesom. Potek izvajanja, svoja opažanja, opažanja vzgojiteljice in odzive otrok sem zapisala v poteku in analizah dejavnosti, ki sem jih obogatila s fotografijami. Otroci so skozi celoten projekt aktivno sodelovali, v dejavnostih uživali ter pri tem krepili svojo domišljijo, kreativnost in medsebojne odnose. Celoten projekt je pokazal, da imajo otroci veliko potrebo in željo po plesno-gibalnih dejavnostih.

Keywords:ustvarjalni gib
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96678 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11768137 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.10.2017
LJUBI, Kaja, 2017, Ustvarjalni gib v 1. starostnem obdobju [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Creative movement in youngest age group
Children have a great need for physical movement. Through creative movement, they discover various contents. Creative movement and dance help them move, express themselves, be creative, develop their imagination, and strengthen social relations within their groups. This dissertation explores the positive effects of creative movement in the first stage of child development. The theoretical part introduces and describes creative movement, its importance in a child’s wholesome development, and its effects, as well as the effects of dance, on a child’s cognitive, social and emotional, and psychomotor development. It also shows how dance education and creative movement are presented in kindergarten Curriculum, what elements of dance there are, which dance stimulations are appropriate, and why relaxation should be included in our dance activities. The empirical part presents a dance activities project focusing on creative movement that was carried out in a group of children aged two and three that come from the Gosenice class of Krtek Ihan a part of kindergarten Domžale. The children familiarized themselves with creative movement, autonomous dance creation, as well as their own bodies with the help of eight different dance activities. The course of project execution, my observations and the teacher’s observations, as well as the children’s reactions are collected in the progression and analysis of the activities, which are accompanied by photographs. The children actively participated in the project throughout its duration; they enjoyed the activities and simultaneously strengthened their imagination, creativity, and social relations. The project showed that children have both a great need and a wish for dance and other physical activities.

Keywords:creative movement

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