
Performances and limits of using meadows with scattered fruit - trees under long term grazing and cutting conditions in South Germany
ID Trček, Uršula (Author), ID Elsäßer, Martin (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Klopčič, Marija (Comentor)

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/5ff803f9-dd1b-4392-ac7a-4f0e90dd2876

Grassland with scattered fruit trees (Streuobstwiesen) is very common in Baden-Wuerttemberg and highly significant for the ecological situation. Moreover, the use of this areas is not sustainable because the change of agricultural structure and lack of suitable utilization concepts. The objective of the current observational study was to examine the agricultural value of such ecological precious grasslands comparing grazing and mowing. Additionally, the effects of shadow under the trees on dry matter yield and botanical composition was observed. The results had shown that scattered fruit trees influenced dry matter yield production negatively. DM yield was, compared to sunny areas, under shaded areas of scattered fruit trees 25 % lower on pastures and 29 % lower on meadows. The DM yield per year cannot be compared between meadows and pastures, due to the length of observation period only until the end of June. In the observed time, meadows produced more DM yield as pastures. Botanical composition on meadows was more diverse as on pastures, slight differences between sunny and shaded areas were recognised. Therefore, the differences in forage quality existed. All this resulted also on measuring of photosynthetic active radiation, where shaded areas reach 64 % less photosynthetically active radiation as sunny areas.

Keywords:orchards, grassland, botanical composition, forage quality
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96655 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3964040 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Zmogljivost in omejitve travne ruše starih sadovnjakov z dolgoletno pašno in košno rabo travinja v južni Nemčiji
Travinje z visokodebelnimi travniškimi sadovnjaki je značilno za zvezno deželo Baden-Wuerttemberg v Nemčiji. Ti pa so pomembni tako s kulturnega kot naravovarstvenega vidika. V preteklosti vsestransko uporabni visokodebelni sadovnjaki dandanes izgubljajo na pomenu za kmetijsko rabo zaradi otežene mehanske obdelave. Namen te opazovalne študije je bil preveriti primernost teh ekološko zanimivih struktur s košno in pašno rabo, obenem pa raziskati vpliv sence sadnih dreves na pridelavo suhe snovi travinja ter botanično sestavo travne ruše. Rezultati so pokazali, da sadna drevesa negativno vplivajo na pridelek suhe snovi na hektar. Na košenih površinah je v senčnih območjih do 29 % manj suhe snovi na hektar kot v sončnih območjih, na pašnih površinah pa 25 % manj suhe snovi na hektar. Pridelave zelinja na letni ravni s košno in pašno rabo zaradi opazovanja le do konca junija ne moremo direktno primerjati, vendar se je ta razlikovala v prid košni rabi za 45,4 %. Botanična sestava travne ruše je bila na košenih površinah bolj raznolika, prepoznavne so bile tudi razlike med sončnimi in senčnimi območji. Rezultati meritev sončnega obsevanja so v senčnih območjih sovpadali z nižjo produktivnostjo travne ruše, nekoliko slabšo kakovostjo krme in drugačno botanično sestavo, saj senčne lege prejmejo 64 % manj fotosintetsko aktivnega sončnega obsevanja kot sončne.

Keywords:trajni sadovnjaki, travništvo, botanična sestava, kakovost krme

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