
Motivi, cilji in perspektive rejcev avtohtonih pasem domačih živali
ID Vrisk, Maja (Author), ID Juvančič, Luka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: EDD546BC73FD447CFD255105FB300F88
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/869fdaff-7e71-4602-a193-3ad02da0e4da

Zaradi spreminjajočih podnebnih in tržnih razmer je prisotno večje zavedanje o biotski raznolikosti, ki med drugim zajema tudi genetsko pestrost domačih živali. Ohranjanje živalskih genskih virov je pomembno zaradi njihovih ekonomskih, družbenih in kulturnih koristi, ekološke vloge, proizvodnje hrane, zagotavljanja prehranske varnosti itd. V prizadevanju po ohranitvi živalskih genskih virov in preprečitvi genske erozije je potreben vpogled v motive in cilje ključnih akterjev t.j. rejcev lokalnih pasem domačih živali, na podlagi česar bi jim lahko zagotovili optimalne pogoje za ohranjanje živalskih genskih virov. Pričujoče magistrsko delo skuša dobiti natančnejši vpogled v motive, cilje in perspektive rejcev lokalnih pasem domačih živali v Sloveniji in s tem prispevati k učinkovitejšim strategijam ohranjanja živalskih genskih virov v prihodnje. Ugotovitve temeljijo na rezultatih anketne raziskave, v katerih je sodeloval 301 rejec, vanjo so bili vključeni rejci slovenskih avtohtonih in tradicionalnih pasem. Ugotovili smo, da se slovenski rejci najpogosteje odločajo za rejo avtohtonih pasem domačih živali zaradi kakovosti proizvodov. Med najpomembnejše okoljske in druge družbene koristi avtohtonih pasem izpostavljajo tradicionalnost proizvodov. Seznam motivov je daljši, motivi so kompleksnejši in se razlikujejo med obravnavanimi skupinami. Kot razlog ohranjanja teh pasem slovenski rejci višine podpor ne postavljajo v ospredje, kar se sklada z ugotovitvami podobnih raziskav v drugih državah. K povečanju prireje bi rejce po njihovi oceni najbolj spodbudil 'urejen trg'. Možnosti tržne valorizacije proizvodov avtohtonih pasem so v Sloveniji, z nekaterimi redkimi izjemami, slabo izkoriščene.

Keywords:živinoreja, domače živali, avtohtone pasme, živalski genski viri, ohranjanje, ankete
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96650 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3963784 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.10.2017
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Due to changing climatic and market conditions, there is a greater awareness of biodiversity, which also includes genetic diversity of domestic animals. Conservation of animal genetic resources is important because of their economic, social and cultural benefits, ecological role, food production, food security, etc. In an effort to conserve animal genetic resources and to prevent genetic erosion, an insight is needed into the motives and objectives of key actors, i.e. breeders of local breeds of domestic animals, on the basis of which they could provide them with optimal conditions for the conservation of animal genetic resources. The present master's thesis aims to provide a more precise insight into the motives, goals and perspectives of breeders of domestic breeds of domestic animals in Slovenia, thereby contributing to more effective strategies for the conservation of animal genetic resources in the future. The findings are based on the results of a survey involving 301 farmers, including breeders of Slovenian indigenous and traditional breeds. We have found that Slovene breeders most often decide on the breeding of autochthonous breeds of domestic animals due to the quality of products. Among the most important environmental and other social benefits of autochthonous breeds, they emphasize the tradition of products. The list of motifs is longer, the motifs are more complex and different from the groups considered. As a reason for the conservation of these breeds, Slovenian breeders do not put the amount of support in the foreground, which is in line with the findings of similar surveys in other countries. In order to increase production, farmers would be most encouraged by the 'regulated market' in their assessment. The possibilities of market valorization of indigenous breeds of products are poorly exploited in Slovenia, with some rare exceptions.

Keywords:animal breeding, domestic animals, autochthonous breeds, animal genetic resources, conservation, questionnaires

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