
Razvoj strokovne samopodobe specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov
ID Strniša, Tjaša (Author), ID Juriševič, Mojca (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4813/ This link opens in a new window

Problem magistrskega dela je osredinjen na samopodobo specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov in njeno spreminjanje glede na obdobje njihovega strokovnega razvoja. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljen pojem samopodobe s poudarkom na strokovni samopodobi pedagogov (učiteljev). V okviru Eriksonove teorije psihosocialnega razvoja je opisan razvoj identitete in izražanje strokovne samopodobe v posameznih fazah učiteljeve kariere, po slovenskem faznem S-modelu razvoja kariere. Predstavljen je tudi pomen strokovnega razvoja pri skrbi za strokovno samopodobo in načini, s katerimi ga lahko spodbujamo. Namen empirične raziskave je proučiti strokovno samopodobo podiplomskih študentov in zaposlenih specialnih ter rehabilitacijskih pedagogov v Sloveniji in njeno povezavo z njihovo delovno dobo ter strokovnim nazivom. Natančneje, cilj je ugotoviti mnenje specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov o lastnem strokovnem razvoju ter občutku kompetentnosti na posameznem področju delovanja. V ospredju so načini, s katerimi strokovnjaki spodbujajo svoj strokovni razvoj, in dejavniki, ki jih pri tem spodbujajo oziroma ovirajo ter njihovi predlogi za izboljšave na področju spodbujanja zdrave strokovne samopodobe učiteljev v okviru študija oziroma zaposlitve. Raziskovalni podatki so bili zbrani z anketiranjem, poleg tega pa je bil za natančnejši uvid v problematiko za vsako obdobje strokovnega razvoja po avtorici Javrh intervjuvan po en v raziskavi sodelujoči študent oziroma specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagog. Za raziskavo je uporabljen kvantitativni raziskovalni pristop. Izvedla sem anketo med slovenskimi specialnimi in rehabilitacijskimi pedagogi v praksi ter študenti, prihodnjim specialnimi in rehabilitacijskimi pedagogi. Vzorec je neslučajnostni, tako priložnostni kot namenski. Odgovore intervjuja sem vsebinsko analizirala po postopku odprtega kodiranja. Rezultati so pokazali, da med vsemi anketiranci prevladuje pozitivna strokovna samopodoba in da splošen občutek kompetentnosti narašča z leti delovne dobe. Pokazalo se je, da specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogi med pogostejše načine spodbujanja strokovnega razvoja uvrščajo hospitacije pri učiteljih na lastni šoli, aktivno sodelovanje z ostalimi učitelji, branje znanstvenih besedil, neuradne pogovore s sodelavci in analizo opravljenega pedagoškega dela. Anketiranci menijo, da njihov strokovni razvoj najbolj spodbujajo želja po vseživljenjskem izobraževanju, boljšem sodelovanju s sodelavci in pridobitvi novejših tehnik ter metod za delo z učenci, najbolj pa ga ovirajo pomanjkanje časa zaradi obveznosti s poučevanjem, pomanjkanje finančnih sredstev, pomanjkanje ponujenih programov za usposabljanje in premajhna ponudba aktualnih tematik. Med pogostejšimi predlogi, za katere želijo, da bi se v okviru zaposlitve izvrševali, so uvrstili izvajanje izobraževanj na matični šoli, časovne prilagoditve za strokovno usposabljanje, finančno podporo in povezovanje strokovnjakov iste stroke med seboj.

Keywords:strokovna samopodoba
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96620 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11756617 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Professional self-concept development of special education teachers
This master's degree thesis main problem is focused on professional self-concept of Slovenian special education teachers. I am trying to figure out if the professional self-concept changes due to different stages of a teacher's career. In the theoretical part of the thesis I have defined the term self-concept and focused mainly on teachers' professional self-concept. I present the development of self-concept with Erikson's theory of psychosocial development and how this phenomena is expressed in different stages of teacher's career, based on Phase model of Slovenian teacher's career development. I have also described the impact of professional development for teacher's self-concept and different ways for how they might encourage it. The empirical part of the thesis is to study professional self-concept of master's degree students of Special and rehabilitation pedagogy who study at Faculty of Education at the University of Ljubljana and the professional self-concept of Slovenian special education teacher's based on their years of service and their professional title. The aim is to find out their opinion on professional development and how competent they feel on each area of special education. Also the aim is to find out the ways of encouraging professional self-concept by teachers and what obstacles they face during their professional development. I also asked them for some suggestions that might help students or employed teachers boost their self-concept. The research information was gathered with the help of two questionnaires; the first one for the employed special education teachers and the second one for master's degree students of Special and rehabilitation pedagogy who study at Faculty of Education at the University of Ljubljana. I have also interviewed one person from each stage of their years of service defined by Javrh. The interviews have been analysed by the technique of open coding. The results showed that every single participant in the study has a positive professional self-concept and that the competence level of special education teachers is rising by each year of their years of service. They encourage their self-concept by hospitations in their own school, working together with other teachers and asking them for advice, reading texts about special education, and learning through reflection. The factors that encourage their professional self-concept the most are lifelong learning, the desire for teamwork and the desire to learn new technics to work with special needs children. The main factors that might seem like an obstacle for their professional development are lack of time because of too much work related obligations, lack of finances for professional development opportunities, lack of offered programs for developing skills in special education and lack of programs that are related to special education. Special education teachers wish that additional professional development courses would be taught in schools they teach at, that more time for professional development would be included in the teacher's schedules, that financial help to visit some professional development courses would be offered and that they could interact more with other teachers special educators.

Keywords:professional self-concept

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