
Analiza interaktivnih gradiv Explorers za poučevanje angleščine v prvem in drugem triletju osnovne šole
ID Svetek, Urša (Author), ID Dagarin Fojkar, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rugelj, Jože (Comentor)

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Interaktivna tabla je napredno didaktično orodje, občutljivo na dotik, ki s kombinacijo različnih tehnologij omogoča projekcijo slike z računalniškega zaslona. Poleg premikanja, spreminjanja velikosti, poudarjanja elementov in predvajanja posnetkov je mogoče s prstom ali pisalom tudi pisati besedilo, ga shraniti in nato natisniti. Dopisovanje, barvanje, obkroževanje in drugo poudarjanje omogoča tudi aktivno učenje tujega jezika. Učitelji imajo na voljo ogromno računalniškega gradiva, ki otrokom omogoča interakcijo z računalnikom, pri kateri se včasih sploh ne zavedajo, da se učijo. Nezavedno učenje, pri katerem učenci nimajo občutka, koliko časa se že učijo, je učinkovit način za pridobivanje znanja tujega jezika. Pri založbi Oxford University Press so izdali učbeniško zbirko Explorers za učenje angleščine od 2. do 7. razreda. Učbeniku, delovnemu zvezku in priročniku za učitelje so priložili interaktivno gradivo, v katerem so na voljo različni posnetki, igre in rešitve za vsako nalogo. Program olajša delo učitelju in omogoča, da se otroci ob aktivnem učenju tudi igrajo. Animacije vključujejo zvoke, slike pa so podkrepljene z napisanimi besedami in s posnetim govorom v britanski angleščini. Med predvajanjem pesmi, rim (ang. chant) in dialogov se prikaže besedilo, pri katerem je obarvana tista poved, ki jo trenutno pojejo oziroma govorijo. Učenci s klikom na določene slike sprožijo različne odzive interaktivnega programa. V empiričnem delu sem analizirala interaktivno gradivo za učenje tujega jezika od 2. do 6. razreda učbeniških zbirk First Explorers 1 in 2, Young Explorers 1 in 2 ter World Explorers 1. Analizirala sem usklajenost ciljev iz učnih načrtov za angleščino z i-učbeniškim gradivom, teme in vsebine v i-učbeniških gradivih ter kako so le-te nadgrajene. Ugotovila sem, da je vsebina v i-učbeniških gradivih povezana in se nadgrajuje, teme v i-gradivih pa se povezujejo s temami, ki so predlagane v učnih načrtih. Poleg tega sem anketirala 123 učencev jezikovne šole v Ljubljani, ki so se v šolskem letu 2016/17 učili angleščino z uporabo omenjenih učbenikov in interaktivnega gradiva, ki ga učitelj uporablja na interaktivnem zaslonu. Večina učencev želi i-učbeniško gradivo uporabljati vsako uro angleščine in ves čas učne ure, interaktivne naloge za razvijanje jezikovnih zmožnosti pa so med učenci enako priljubljene. Predstavljene prednosti in slabosti interaktivnega gradiva Explorers v osnovnih šolah po Sloveniji prispevajo k lažji izbiri i-učbenikov za navedene razrede. Z rezultatom anket učencev so učitelji angleščine dobili povratne informacije o interaktivnem gradivu in uporabi interaktivne table, kar jim bo olajšalo odločitev glede izbire gradiva za poučevanje angleščine kot tujega jezika v prvem in drugem triletju.

Keywords:interaktivno gradivo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96619 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11756361 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of interactive tools - Explorers - for teaching English in the 1st and 2nd triad of primary school
The interactive board is an advanced touch-sensitive didactic tool that enables the projection of images from a computer screen by using a combination of different technologies. In addition to moving, resizing, highlighting various elements and streaming videos, it allows you to write a text with your finger or stylus, save it, and then print it. Since you are also able to encircle data, add text or color and so forth, it makes it possible for you to become an active participant in learning a foreign language. Teachers have a very large amount of i-tools at their disposal, which allows children to interact with a computer, without even realizing that they are learning. This so-called subconscious learning, during which the learners lose the feeling of time spent studying, is an effective way of acquiring foreign language skills. Oxford University Press has published a collection of textbooks, known as Explorers, to teach English at elementary level. The textbook, workbook and the teacher manual have been provided with i-tools in which various recordings, games and solutions are available for each task. The program makes the teacher's job easier and allows children to play while being actively involved in the learning process. Animations include sounds, and images are supported with written words and speech that is recorded in British English. During songs, chants and dialogues, a text appears, in which the sentence that is currently sung or spoken is colored. By clicking on certain images, the learners trigger various responses from the interactive program. In the empirical part, I analyzed interactive tools for learning a foreign language from the 2nd to the 6th grade of the First Explorers 1 and 2, Young Explorers 1 and 2, and World Explorers 1. I also analyzed the coordination of objectives from the English syllabus with i-textbooks, topics and content in i-textbooks, and how the latter were upgraded. I learned that the content in i-textbooks is interrelated while gradually becoming more demanding, and that the topics in i-tools are linked with the topics proposed in the syllabus. In addition, I conducted a survey in which 123 learners of a language school in Ljubljana participated. All of them studied English in the school year 2016/17 with the help of the Explorers textbooks and i-tools, used by the teacher on the interactive screen. Most learners want to use i-textbooks during every hour of English and through the whole lesson. The interactive tasks for developing language skills have proven equally popular. The presented advantages and disadvantages of the Explorers i-tools in elementary schools all over Slovenia contribute to an easier selection of i-textbooks for the above mentioned classes. With the result of the learner survey, English teachers have received a feedback on i-tools and the use of the interactive board. This will make it easier for them to decide, which materials to use when teaching English as a foreign language in the first and second triads of primary school.

Keywords:interactive tools

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