
Eksperimentalna tipografija pri likovnem pouku v srednji šoli : magistrsko delo
ID Pogačnik, Tadeja (Author), ID Selan, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Tomšič Amon, Bea (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/4808/ This link opens in a new window

Tipografija je vizualna komponenta, ki jo umeščamo na področje grafičnega oblikovanja. Ukvarja se z oblikovanjem črk, pisave in besedil. Tipografsko oblikovanje kot obrt se je razvilo z Gutenbergovim izumom tiska s premičnimi črkami v drugi polovici 15. stoletja. Izhajalo je iz pravil kaligrafske tradicije, vendar se je prilagodilo tehnologiji tiska in oblikovalo svoje lastne zakonitosti. V 19. stoletju je prišlo do razcveta t. i. eksperimentalne tipografije, s pomočjo katere so se pisave oblikovale na svobodnejši način za različne oblikovalske namene v interakciji z okoljem, v katerem so nastajale (npr. za reklamne plakate, cirkuške predstave ipd.). Eksperimentalna tipografija je torej področje oblikovanja, pri katerem se lahko kreativno razvijajo oblikovalske sposobnosti in ustvarjalen likovni izraz. V magistrskem delu smo raziskali uporabo eksperimentalne tipografije pri likovnem pouku v srednji šoli. V teoretičnem delu smo s pomočjo obstoječe literature raziskali problematiko oblikovanja eksperimentalne tipografije ter vpliv eksperimentalne tipografije na naš vsakdanjik. V empiričnem delu je bila 3. letniku srednje strokovne šole izvedena akcijska raziskava v kateri smo ugotavljali, kako dijaki s pomočjo eksperimentalne tipografije razvijajo svoj odnos do grafičnega oblikovanja in lastno likovno ustvarjalnost. Opazovali smo podobnosti in razlike med razumevanjem učencev pred in po uvedbi sprememb. Akcijski koraki so temeljili na inovativni razlagi pomembnih smernic za kvalitetno grafično oblikovanje. Učenci so po vpeljanih akcijskih korakih kvalitetno rešili likovni problem na področju eksperimentalne tipografije. Pri tem so razvijali in bogatili domišljijo, likovno mišljenje ter izboljšali zaznavne in opazovalne spretnosti.

Keywords:tipografsko oblikovanje, vizualna komunikacija, tisk, razvoj pisave, dijaki, likovno izražanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[T. Pogačnik]
Number of pages:113 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96616 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11754313 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Experimental typography in art class in high school
Typography is a visual component, which we classify into the field of graphic design. It deals with the design of letters, fonts, and texts. Typographic design as an art has developed with Guttenberg’s invention of the press with movable type in the second part of the 15th century. It was based on the rules of calligraphic traditions but it was adapted to the technology of the press and it formed its own set of rules. The 19th century brought about the flourishment of so-called experimental typography, with the help of which fonts were designed in a freer manner for various designer purposes in interaction with the environment they were emerging from (i.e. advertisement posters, circus shows…). Experimental typography is a field of design in which a creative development of designer abilities and a productive visual art is possible. In this master’s thesis, we have researched the use of experimental typography in arts classes in high school. In the theoretical part, we researched the problems pertaining to designing experimental typography and the effects experimental typography has in our everyday lives based on the available literature. An action research has been conducted in the 3rd year of a technical high school in the empiric part of the thesis. With it, we were determining how pupils develop their relation to graphic design and their own artistic creativity with the help of experimental typography. We observed the similarities and differences between the understanding of the pupils before and after introducing the changes. The actions steps were based on an innovative explanation of important guidelines for quality graphic design. After the introduction of the action steps the pupils found quality solutions to the given arts problem in the field of experimental typography. In doing so, they also developed and enriched their imagination, arts thinking, and improved their observational and sensory skills.

Keywords:art education, secondary education, experiment, likovna vzgoja, srednješolski pouk, eksperiment

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