
Simulacija in vizualizacija pretoka krvi v ožilju na spletni platformi
ID Oblak, Rok (Author), ID Marolt, Matija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9636bd0d-ecab-4c58-812f-4201b362c360

Na področju diagnoze krvožilnih bolezni in operacij krvožilnega sistema postaja učinkovita in natančna simulacija krvnega toka pomembno orodje za višanje uspešnosti diagnoz in operacij. Razvili smo celovito rešitev za simulacijo krvnega toka v podanem modelu ožilja in vizualizacijo rezultatov simulacije na različne načine, ki ponujajo informativen prikaz simuliranih količin in s katerimi je mogoča realnočasovna interakcija. Funkcionalnost smo izpostavili preko spletne aplikacije, ki od uporabnika ne zahteva dodatnih namestitev in ki komunicira s strežniškim delom, kjer se izvajajo računsko zahtevnejše operacije. Aplikacija omogoča hitre iteracije delovnega toka in jo lahko zaradi intuitivnega uporabniškega vmesnika uporablja vsak brez dodatne dokumentacije. Poleg tega smo za reševanje problema prenosa simulacijskih podatkov iz zalednega dela do spletne aplikacije razvili metodo kompresije za minimizacijo velikosti podatkov posebej za namen vizualizacije, s katero smo dosegli dobra kompresijska razmerja in omogočili učinkovito shranjevanje rezultatov velikih simulacij.

Keywords:tok, simulacija, vizualizacija, krvožilni sistem kompresija, B-zlepki
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96540 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.10.2017
OBLAK, Rok, 2017, Simulacija in vizualizacija pretoka krvi v ožilju na spletni platformi [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 14 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Web-based simulation and visualization of cardiovascular blood flow
In the field of cardiovascular disease diagnostics and cardiovascular surgeries, efficient and accurate blood flow simulation is becoming an important supplementing tool in increasing diagnosis and surgery success rates. We implemented a complete solution for simulating the blood flow in a provided blood vessel model and visualizing the results in a variety of ways, providing informative display of simulated quantities and capable of real-time interaction. We exposed this functionality through a web-based application that does not require any local installations and communicates with a server performing the computationally intensive tasks. It is practical enough to enable fast workflow iterations and can be used by anyone without additional documentation because of its intuitive user interface. We also addressed the problem of data transfer from back-end to client front-end by developing a compression method to minimize the result file size specifically intended for visualization purposes, which was able to achieve good compression ratios and enabled efficient storage of large simulation results.

Keywords:flow, simulation, visualization, cardiovascular system, compression, B-splines

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