
Eksperiment likovnega ustvarjanja kot oblika pomoči z umetnostjo : diplomsko delo
ID Štrbenc, Daša (Author), ID Brumen-Čop, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Potočnik, Robert (Comentor)

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V svojem diplomskem delu sem se ukvarjala s pozitivnimi učinki likovnega ustvarjanja izven pouka. Preko štirinajstih ustvarjalnih delavnic sem spremljala čustvene in likovno izrazne odzive petih učencev- drugošolcev s težavami pri učenju in v socialnih odnosih. V prvem delu predstavim teoretični okvir, ki služi kot podlaga za določanje vplivov praktičnih delavnic. V teoretičnem delu predstavim razsežnosti pomoči z umetnostjo, njeno zgodovino in trenutno prakso. Navežem se na šolski sistem in njegovo prakso ter možnost povezovanja s PLU. V drugem delu se posvetim praktični raziskavi ter njenim izsledkom. Predstavim izbrano skupino otrok ter opazujem njihove izrazne zmožnosti preko likovnih delavnic ter njihov razvoj na motoričnem področju. Preko vprašalnika ob sodelovanju njihove učiteljice ugotavljam spremembe, ki jih učiteljica opazi na ciljni skupini in sicer na nekaterih učnih področjih ter na socialni vključenosti v razredu. Po zaključku delavnic je učiteljica opazila spremembe pri vsakem od petih otrok in sicer na vsaj enem od opazovanih področij. Tudi sama sem lahko opazovala spremembe pri vsakem od otrok. Tako lahko zaključim, da je delo v delavnicah otrokom koristilo.

Keywords:pomoč z umetnostjo, ustvarjalne delavnice, drugošolci
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher:[D. Štrbenc]
Number of pages:76 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96503 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11744841 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.10.2017
ŠTRBENC, Daša, 2017, Eksperiment likovnega ustvarjanja kot oblika pomoči z umetnostjo : diplomsko delo [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. D. Štrbenc. [Accessed 22 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Experimenting with art creativity as a form of arty therapy
In my diploma research, I have decided to observe positive effects of artistic practices outside the classroom. Throughout fourteen art sessions, I have been observing emotional and artistic expressions of five pupils, from the second grade, that have issues studying and socializing. In the first segment of the diploma, I established theoretical basis for the analysis of the effects of practical activities. I have introduced a variety of artistic therapeutic approaches, its history, and current practices. Using the artistic therapeutic approaches and merging them with the school’s educational systems practices in order to develop an experimental merging of these two practices. In the second segment of the diploma, I focus on refining the experimental practice and analysing its findings. Starting with the introduction of each pupil, and continuing with analyzing the development of the pupil’s expressive and motoric skills through the practical activities. By using the questionnaire, the teacher determined the changes of the pupil’s social integration in the classroom. In the end of the practical activities, the teacher and I have noticed moderate changes in at least one of the observed categories. From that I can conclude that the practical activity was successful with helping the pupils with becoming much more integrated their classroom and helping in their development as pupils.

Keywords:fine arts, likovna umetnost

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