
Izbira optimalne rešitve za priključitev OPPN za obrtno cono Trebnje na R1-215/1162 : diplomska naloga
ID Radakovič, Jernej (Author), ID Maher, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/cfb20f78-31d6-43a5-ba9d-369fda8c80fa

V diplomski nalogi je analiziran odsek regionalne ceste R1-215/1162, ob katerem se predvideva izgradnja nove gospodarsko-poslovne cone. V uvodnem delu je opisano obstoječe stanje, predvsem z vidika problematike. Sledi poglavje o priključitvi nove cone, kjer je opisan način navezave cone preko krožnega križišča na obstoječo regionalno cesto. V nalogi je obravnavana tudi analiza odseka z vidika prometne varnosti, nivoja uslug, stopnje nasičenosti in hitrosti. V sklopu preučitve navezave cone preko krožnega križišča je izdelana generacija prometa, kjer napovemo nivo bodočih potovanj za posamezne cone, ki jih bo generirala nova cona in s tem bistveno vplivala na prometne obremenitve. Na podlagi analiz so na koncu predstavljeni še predlogi in rešitve, ki bi vplivali predvsem na prometno varnost odseka.

Keywords:prometna varnost, nivo usluge, stopnja nasičenosti, generacija prometa, prometne nesreče, štetje prometa, analiza odseka, prometna obremenitev
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[J. Radakovič]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96472 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8190049 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Choice of optimal solution to connect OPPN for Trebnje business district to R1-215/1162 : Graduation thesis
In this thesis the provincial road section R1-215/1162 was analyzed, where construction of a new economic and commercial zone is planned. In the introduction the current state is presented, mostly the problem side of the topic. Following is the chapter on the connection of the new zone with a roundabout to the existing provincial road. Analysis of the section for traffic safety, service level, saturation level and speed is also included in the thesis. A traffic generation is created as a part of roundabout connection study, where the level of future journeys for individual zones, generated by the new zone and thereby significantly influencing traffic load, is predicted. Based on analysis we presented at the end the suggestions and solutions, which would influence mostly the traffic safety on the section.

Keywords:traffic safety, level of service, degree of saturation, trip generation, manual traffic count, section analysis, traffic load

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