
Aktivnosti s konjem kot podpora zdravljenju ljudi
ID Štamulak, Martina (Author), ID Potočnik, Klemen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 8A63F2ACFFD20E7A17EF346F17CC455F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2a33d756-d3dd-4f62-a678-d3d2a4df48c2

V našem diplomskem delu vam bomo poleg dobro poznanih terapij s konjem (EAT) predstavili še v Sloveniji manj poznane in razširjene aktivnosti s pomočjo konja (EAA). V Sloveniji je terapija s pomočjo konja dosegla hiter razvoj in se počasi tudi vzpostavlja ob bok drugim razvitim državam. Izobraževalni sistem za to področje pri nas je dokaj kvaliteten. To izobraževanje je namenjeno strokovnjakom različnih profilov, kar omogoča interdisciplinarno sodelovanje in dobro vključevanje. Konji že od nekdaj veljajo za čuteče živali, ki zrcalijo naše misli, občutke, razpoloženja. Od njih se lahko tudi učimo zato so le-ti vedno pogosteje vključeni v terapevtske namene. V nalogi smo predstavili uspešnost EAA (katere zelo dobro vplivajo na počutje ljudi) in različne študije iz sveta, ki potrjujejo uspešnost takšnega dela. EAA so zelo koristne za otroke in odrasle, ki imajo kakršnekoli telesne ali duševne težave. Z razliko od terapij so bolj spontane in manj formalizirane (sproščanje, občutek ugodja, druženje). S spoznavanjem možnosti EAA pa se ponujajo dodatne možnosti za številne manjše rejce konj, ki želijo popestriti svojo ponudbo in s tem povečati gospodarnost reje konj. S tem se bodo poleg navedenega in izboljšanja kakovosti življenja pacientov, izboljšali še socio-ekonomski faktorji, kot so nova delovna mesta, povezovanje podeželskega in mestnega prebivalstva, ohranjanje veščin dela s konji, ohranjanje kulturne krajine,… Nenazadnje pa je z vidika živinoreje pomemben dejavnik, da bo s širitvijo EAA vključenih vse več konj, kar lahko pripomore tudi k ohranjanju naših avtohtonih pasem.

Keywords:konji, terapevtske živali, zdravljenje, terapije, aktivnosti, duševne težave, fizične težave
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96456 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3963528 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Horse assisted activities as a support peopleʼs treatment
Besides the well-known therapies with horses (EAT), the thesis presents the activities with the help of horse (EAA) which are in Slovenia less known and popular. In Slovenia, EAT have been rapidly developing and the country is slowly catching up to other developed countries. The educational system in this field is quite sophisticated in Slovenia. The education is intended for professionals of various profiles which enables interdisciplinary collaboration and greater integration. Horses have always been considered sentient animals that reflect our thoughts, feelings, moods. We can also learn from them; therefore, they are becoming more included in the activities that are intended for therapeutic purposes. The successfulness of the EAA (which have a significant effect on people's well-being) and various studies from other countries that confirm the successfulness of this kind of work are presented in the thesis. EAA are very useful for children and adults with physical or mental problems of any kind. Unlike the therapies, these activities are more spontaneous and less formalised (relaxation, the feeling of comfort, companionship). By discovering the possibilities of the EAA, additional options for many horse breeders, who wish to diversify their offers and by that increase the efficiency of horse breeding economy, are available. Besides the stated facts and improved quality of patients' lives, the socio-economic factors, such as jobs, the integration of rural and urban population, the preservation of the skills of working with horses and the preservation of the cultural landscape will improve. Nevertheless, the expansion of the EAA will have an important effect on livestock breeding, since more and more horses will be included in these activities and that may also contribute to the conservation of our indigenous breeds.  

Keywords:horses, therapeutic animals, treatment, therapies, activities, mental problems, physical problems

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