
Socialno obnašanje pujskov ob možnosti prehajanja med prasitvenimi boksi
ID Rogina, Sonja (Author), ID Zupan, Manja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 08377FFE96C194551618E0CFCCA320AC
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/59b90f3e-2bdb-425e-925a-15e3da31467a

Igra je pomemben kazalnik dobrobiti živali, saj ko so zagotovljene osnovne potrebe živali, posamezniki pričnejo izražati igro. Do sedaj je bilo ugotovljeno, da povečana pogostost igre pripomore k večji pripravljenosti živali na stresne situacije (na primer v času odstavitve). Z igro si pujski razvijajo telesno moč , vztrajnost, spretnost, pride do večjih prirastov in zmanjšanja agresije. V diplomskem delu smo ugotavljali strukturo socialnega obnašanja pujskov v času laktacije, kjer imajo pujski možnost prostega gibanja med tremi prasitvenimi boksi in ugotavljali pogostost izražanja igre. Rezultate smo dobili z ogledom videoposnetkov obnašanja. Spremljali smo socialno igro, igro s predmetom, gibalno igro, število prehodov med prasitvenimi boksi, ter število pujskov pri izvajanju posamezne oblike obnašanja, kot so: prehodi med boksi, socialna igra, socialna igra s predmetom. Opazovali smo pujske iz treh gnezd, ki so bili individualno označeni za lažjo identifikacijo. Rezultati so pokazali da se je prve tri tedne povečevala pogostost obnašanja (prehodi med boksi, tek sem in tja, vzpenjanje in igra s predmetom), zadnji teden pa je upadla. Najpogosteje (n=152,4), sledilo je tekanje sem in tja (n=44,3), kar ugodno vpliva na psihično in fizično pripravljenost pujskov za nadaljnjo rejo, posledično so lahko tudi manjše izgube. Predvidevamo, da bi lahko način uhlevitve opisan v raziskavi pripomogel k pogostejšemu izražanju igre in potencialni manjši agresiji prašičev po odstavitvi.

Keywords:prašiči, pujski, obnašanje živali, socialno obnašanje, etologija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96454 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3964296 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Social behaviour of piglets having a possibility to be mixed in the farrowing pens
Social interaction through play is an important indicator of animal welfare and when the basic needs of the animals are met, the piglets start with the activity. Studies have found that an increased frequency of the playful activities help to increase the rediness of the animals for stressful situations (for example at the time of weaning). Performing play it teaches the piglets skills such as perseverance. It also aides the piglets development of their physical strength, significant increases in growth and decreases in aggression. The aim of our study was to determine the structure of the social behaviour of piglets during lactation where piglets have the opportunity to move freely between the three farrowing pens. We also determined the frequency of piglets play. The pens were set up with survaillance and we extracted the results by reviewing the footage. We observed piglets from three farrowing pens, which were individually marked for ease of identification. We followed a social play, object play and locomotor play. Also the number of passages between the pens, and the number of piglets in the implementation of particular behavioural patterns were scored. The results showed that the frequency of behaviours increased in the first three weeks, but decreased in the last week of lactacion. The behaviours that were most frequent were the passages made between pens (n=152.4) and running here and there (n=44.3). This greatly influences psychological and physical readiness for continued breeding and resulting in smaller losses. It is assumed that the method of housing, as presented in this study, could contribute to the more frequent expression of the social activites and the potential for less aggression weaning.

Keywords:pigs, piglets, animal behaviour, social behaviour, ethology

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