
Strah pred porodom : spletna raziskava mnenj slovenskih žensk
ID Jurca, Lea (Author), ID Mivšek, Ana Polona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: BC5400479F11F70138D0C753153ABB76
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7549f317-47e6-46ad-9841-ecb7164773cb

Uvod: Strah pred porodom je pogost pojav. Če je strah pred porodom patološki, se to imenuje tokofobija. Namen: V prvem delu diplomskega dela smo opredelili strah pred porodom in tokofobijo kot skrajno obliko tega ter pregledali tuje študije na to temo. V drugem delu pa smo raziskali, kakšen odnos imajo ženske v Sloveniji do strahu pred porodom ter kako se nanj odzovejo. Metode dela: Pri pisanju diplomskega dela smo v prvem delu uporabili deskriptivno metodo raziskovanja, ki temelji na pregledu tuje in domače strokovne ter znanstvene literature. Literaturo smo poiskali v knjigah in preko spletnih brskalnikov, kot so: Google učenjak, DiKUL, PubMED, CINAHL in MEDLINE. Pri iskanju literature so bile ključne besede tokofobija, tokofobia, tokophobia, fear of pregnancy ter midwife in fear and childbirth. Uporabljena literatura je bila stara do 10 let. V drugem delu smo uporabili kvantitativni pristop raziskovanja, in sicer metodo anketiranja. Kot instrument za raziskovanje smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik. Vprašalnik smo objavili na spletnem portalu EnKlik-Anketa, nanj pa so prostovoljno odgovarjale ženske različnih starosti. Rezultati: Največ anketirank (50 %) meni, da je strah pred porodom osnovan na strahu pred bolečino. Ugotovili smo, da Slovenke svojega strahu pred porodom ne izrazijo nobeni strokovni osebi. Njihov zaupnik je v večini primerov partner. Ugotovili smo, da bi večina nosečnic (75 %) za lajšanje strahu pred porodom raje izbrala psihološki način. Ob prisotnosti strahu pred porodom bi nosečnice izbrale fiziološki vaginalni porod z lajšanjem porodne bolečine. Le 18 % bi jih izbralo carski rez, če bi bilo to mogoče. Večina anketirank (63 %) meni, da bi z uresničitvijo želje po carskem rezu pri ženski s tokofobijo zagotovili psihično olajšanje in posledično boljšo porodno izkušnjo. Razprava in zaključek: Več kot polovica anketiranih je strah pred porodom že občutila. Ugotovili smo, da bi anketiranke vseeno želele fiziološki vaginalni porod. Sklepamo, da bi z dobro podporo, zgodnjo diagnostiko strahu pred porodom in ustreznim zdravljenjem lahko žensko dobro pripravili na porod.

Keywords:tokofobija, strah pred porodom, carski rez, fiziološki porod
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96451 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4145068 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Fear of childbirth : online review of the opinions of Slovenian women
Introduction: Fear of childbirth is a common phenomenon. If the fear is pathological, it is called tokophobia. Purpose: In the first part of the thesis, we defined fear of childbirth and tokophobia as its ultimate form, and reviewed foreign studies on this subject. In the second part, we studied the attitude of women in Slovenia to fearing childbirth and how they respond. Methods: In the first part of the thesis, we used the descriptive method of research based on the review of foreign, Slovenian, professional and scientific literature. The literature was found by means of the following web browsers: Google Scholar, DiKUL, PubMED, CINAHL and MEDLINE. The key words for searching literature were tokofobija, tokofobia, tokophobia, fear of pregnancy, midwife, fear and childbirth. The literaure we used was up to 10 years old. In the second part, we applied the quantitative research approach, namely the survey method. A survey questionnaire was used as a research tool. We published the questionnaire on the EnKlik-Anketa web portal, where women of varying ages were ellectorally answeable. Results: The majority of respondents (50%) believe that the fear of birth is based on the fear of pain. We discovered that Slovenian women tend not to express their fear of giving birth to any professionals. In most cases, they confide in their husbands. We found out that most pregnant women (75%) would prefer a psychological way of alleviating fear of childbirth. In the event of fearing childbirth, women would choose a physiological vaginal delivery with birth pain relief. Only 18% of the respondents would choose a Caesarean section if that were an option. Most respondents (63) believe that granting a Ceasarean section to women suffering from tokophobia would results in their psychological as well as a better experience of childbirth. Discussion and conclusions: More than half of the respondents have experienced the fear of childbirth. We ascertained that the respondents would nevertheless choose physiological vaginal delivery. We conclude that, with support, early diagnosis of fear of childbirth and appropriate treatment, we could adequately prepare and support women during labour.

Keywords:tokophobia, fear of childbirth, caesarean section, physiological delivery

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