
Laboratorijski postopki izdelave polnokeramičnih mostov : poročilo o primeru
ID Žnidaršič, Petra (Author), ID Oblak, Čedomir (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: AF8B5CF3EE6FF5341DCA7A384890435A
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/2bd3438a-5c85-4688-a544-8d19023a96f1

Uvod: Klinične indikacije za protetično estetsko rehabilitacijo pacientov s polnokeramičnimi konstrukcijami so danes čedalje širše zaradi izboljšanih lastnosti keramičnih materialov in sodobnejših tehnoloških postopkov izdelave. Polnokeramične mostove lahko načrtujemo tudi v stranskih predelih zobnih lokov, kjer so grizne obremenitve največje. Pri načrtovanju mostov in njihovi izdelavi vse pogosteje uporabljamo povsem računalniško tehnologijo. Najlepši videz protetičnih izdelkov dosežemo z uporabo dentalnih porcelanov in s steklokeramiko, medtem ko imajo najvišjo trdnost med dentalnimi keramikami polikristalinične keramike iz skupin cirkonijeve in aluminijeve oksidne keramike. Najpogostejša indikacija za uporabo polnokeramičnih materialov je protetična oskrba obseženo kariozno destruiranih zob in endodontsko zdravljenih zob v vidnem predelu, čedalje pogosteje pa načrtujemo tudi izdelavo polnokeramičnih mostov v stranskih predelih zaradi alergij na različne dentalne zlitine. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti različne tehnologije izdelave polnokeramičnih mostov z opisom postopkov izdelave in utemeljitvijo uporabe različnih keramičnih materialov. Metode dela: Za izdelavo diplomskega dela je bila uporabljena sodobna strokovna literatura in predstavljeni laboratorijski postopki dela v zobotehničnem laboratoriju. Rezultati: V diplomski nalogi so natančno prikazane posamezne faze dela v zobotehničnem laboratoriju, ki jih uporabljamo za izdelavo polnokeramičnih mostov. Vsaka delovna faza je prikazana tudi s slikovnim gradivom. Opisanih je šest različnih načinov izdelave polnokeramičnih mostov: oblikovanje cirkonijevega keramičnega ogrodja mostu in fasetiranje z dentalnim porcelanom, izdelava monolitnega mostu iz litijeve disilikatne steklokeramike z rezkanjem, izdelava mostu z rezkanjem nadstrukture iz litijeve disilikatne steklokeramike in lepljenje na cirkonijevo keramično ogrodje, stiskanje fluorapatitne steklokeramike na cirkonijevo keramično ogrodje, oblikovanje monolitnega litijevega disilikatnega stiskanega mostu z barvanjem in izdelava monolitnega mostu iz cirkonijeve oksidne keramike. Sklepi: Vsak polnokeramični most načrtujemo in izdelamo tako, da se je sposoben upirati griznim obremenitvam med njegovo klinično uporabo, videz pa se mora čim bolj približati videzu naravnih zob. Pri načrtovanju ogrodij mostov, debeline prevlek in premerov povezav med prevlekami in členi upoštevamo mehanske lastnosti polnokeramičnih materialov in možnosti uporabe različnih laboratorijskih tehnologij.

Keywords:polnokeramični most, litijeva disilikatna keramika, cirkonijevo keramično ogrodje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96447 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5310827 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Laboratory manufacturing of all ceramic fixed partial dentures : case report
Introduction: Clinical indications for aesthetic prosthetic rehabilitation of patients with all ceramic structures are getting more and more widely utilized, due to the improved properties of ceramic materials and modern technological manufacturing processes. All ceramic bridges can be designed in the lateral parts of the dental arches, where the bite force is highest. The design and manufacturing process of bridges are rapidly shifting to the use of computer technology. The most beautiful appearance with dental prosthetics is achieved by using dental porcelain and glass ceramics, whereas the highest strength of dental ceramics can be found in polycrystalline ceramics from the groups of zirconium and aluminum oxide ceramics. The most common indications for the use of all ceramic materials are comprised by prosthetic care of caries-affected dentin and endodontic treated teeth in the visible front area. However, we are also increasingly planning to produce all ceramic bridges in the side portions because of allergies to various dental alloys. The purpose of this study is to present the different manufacturing technologies of all ceramic bridges as a description of the production process and the justification for their usage of different ceramic materials. Methods: For this thesis, we used modern scientific literature and presented laboratory dental procedures. Results: In this thesis, each stage of work in a dental laboratory, where the all ceramic bridges are manufactured, have been accurately reflected. Each work phase is also shown with pictorial material. We described six different ways of producing all ceramic bridges: The design of a Zirconia ceramic body and bridge veneering with dental porcelain, the construction of a monolithic bridge of glass ceramic with lithium desilicated blast, making the bridge blast superstructure of lithium desilicated glass ceramic and bonding to zirconium ceramic body, pressing fluorapatite glass ceramic on a ceramic zirconium frame, creating a monolithic lithium desilicated pressed bridge with staining and making a monolithic bridge from zirconium oxide ceramic. Conclusions: Each all ceramic bridge is designed and manufactured so that it is able to resist stresses during biting during its clinical use and the appearance is as close to natural teeth. When planning bridge frameworks, crowns thickness and the diameters of the connections between layers and links, we take into account the mechanical properties of all ceramic materials and the options of using laboratory technologies

Keywords:all ceramic bridge, lithium desilicated ceramics, zirconium ceramic framework

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