
Primerjava prisilne poravnave v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem
ID KOS, KLEMEN (Author), ID Simoneti, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 0C78248203A1AC0EF98336238256FFF5
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c0bb171c-c69c-498c-b8c8-5a4b4145cec7

Postopek sodnega finančnega prestrukturiranja omogoča obvezno prestrukturiranje vseh terjatev, kljub temu da se s tem ne strinjajo vsi upniki posameznega dolžnika, na katere bi učinkovalo. Vsi upniki, katerih terjatve so skladno s predpisi ugotovljene v posameznem postopku sodnega finančnega prestrukturiranja, imajo pravico glasovati o prestrukturiranju vseh terjatev, pri čemer v primeru izglasovanja in potrditve predlaganega prestrukturiranja ta učinkuje na vse terjatve enake vrste na enak način. S tem je varovano načelo enakega obravnavanja upnikov kot temeljno načelo postopkov sodnega finančnega prestrukturiranja. Avtor v nalogi primerja institut sodnega finančnega prestrukturiranja v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem po posameznih elementih in sproti analizira zaznane razlike. Pri tem se osredotoča izključno na najpomembnejše elemente, ki so obema jurisdikcijama skupni ali različni. V zaključku naloge je predstavljen tudi Lex Agrokor, ki je izrazito in ad hoc posegel v postopek sodnega finančnega prestrukturiranja ene izmed, če ne celo največje družbe hrvaškega gospodarstva (Agrokor), potencialno pa tudi druge, ki bodo izpolnjevale zakonske pogoje. Lex Agrokor je bil očitno sprejet kot odgovor na nezaupanje v veljavno hrvaško insolvenčno zakonodajo, pri tem pa je zaradi svoje ad hoc narave ter posledične prehitre priprave posegel v mnoge temelje sicer uveljavljene insolvenčne zakonodaje, predvsem sodnega postopka finančnega prestrukturiranja. V zaključku avtor kratko predstavi tudi Lex Mercator, sicer sprejet kot odgovor na Lex Agrokor, po mnenju avtorja pa še bolj kot odgovor na slovensko slabo korporativno zakonodajo, predvsem pa določbe ZGD-1 o razmerjih v koncernih in pravilih, ki bi morale varovati hčerinske družbe pred izčrpavanjem s strani obvladujočih družb.

Keywords:Postopek prisilne poravnave v Sloveniji, postopek prisilne poravnave na Hrvaškem, sodno finančno prestrukturiranje, Lex Agrokor, Lex Mercator, insolvenčna zakonodaja, insolventnost, primerjava prisilne poravnave, ZFPPIPP, Stečajni zakon
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96432 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15816785 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Comparitive Analysis of Compulsory Settlement in Slovenia and Croatia
The court financial restructuring procedure enables mandatory restructuring of all receivables, even if all the affected creditors do not agree with it. All the creditors, of which receivables are acknowledged in a particular court financial procedure, have the right to vote on the restructuring of all receivables, wherein in case of a passed vote on confirmation of the proposed restructuring it affects all receivables of the same type in the same manner. This safeguards the principle of equal treatment of all creditors as the general principle of the court financial restructuring procedures. The author in his thesis compares the respective procedure in Slovenia and Croatia by its elements and promptly analyse noticed differences. By doing so, the author focuses solely on the most important elements that are in common or different to both jurisdictions. In the ending of the thesis, Lex Agrokor is also presented, which has significantly and ad hoc interfered with the court financial restructuring procedure of one of the biggest, if not even the biggest Croatian company (Agrokor), and potentially also of other companies that will fulfil the prescribed legal conditions. Lex Agrokor has obviously been adopted as an answer to the general distrust in the valid Croatian insolvency legislation, wherein due to its ad hoc nature and the consequent fastened drafting, it has interfered with many general principles of the currently established valid insolvency legislation, especially those related to the court financial restructuring procedure. Lastly, the author also briefly presents the Lex Mercator, adopted as an answer to the Lex Agrokor and pursuant to the opinion of the author, even more as an answer to the inadequate corporate legislation, especially the provisions of the Companies Act that govern inter-company relations in a group of companies, and the rules that should protect the subsidiaries against draining by the controlling companies.

Keywords:Compulsory Settlement in Slovenia, Compulsory Settlement in Croatia, Court Financial Restructuring, Lex Agrokor, Lex Mercator, Insolvency Legislation, Insolvency, Comparison of Compulsory Settlement, Slovenian Insolvency Act, Croatian Insolvency Act

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