
Novodobne kompleksne pogodbe v zvezi z gradnjo
ID Šabotić, Sabina (Author), ID Dugar, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 244E323129221703AFD274253B2538CE
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c1e3b656-89a1-4d7b-8c44-aad6235f8337

V magistrski nalogi je predstavljen pojem novodobnih kompleksnih pogodb v zvezi z gradnjo. Z razvojem tovrstnih pogodb so se za naročnika pojavile različne možnosti in kombinacije realizacije gradbenih del, spremenile pa so se tudi vloge projektanta, izvajalca in drugih strokovnjakov v primerjavi s tradicionalnimi tipi pogodb v zvezi z gradnjo. Trije osnovni tradicionalni tipi pogodb: pogodba o izdelavi projekta, gradbena pogodba in pogodbo o nadzoru nad gradnjo, so se zlasti pri zahtevnejših gradbenih projektih pogosto izkazali za preveč rigidne. Medtem, ko kompleksni tipi združujejo vse elemente tradicionalnih tipov pogodb ter praviloma tudi storitve, ki bi jih pri tradicionalnem pristopu moral opravljati naročnik sam. V osrednjem delu magistrske naloge so predstavljene tri zložene pogodbe: pogodba o projektiranju in gradnji, pogodba o projektiranju in nadzoru ter pogodba o projektnem managementu. Značilno za vse tri pogodbe je, da ponujajo integracijo določenih storitev. Pri pogodbi o projektiranju in gradnji gre za integracijo storitev projektiranja in gradnje na strani izvajalca, ki prevzame poleg odgovornosti za izvedbo del tudi odgovornost za projekt. Pri pogodbi o projektiranju in nadzoru se projektant zaveže izdelati projektno dokumentacijo in opravljati nadzor nad gradnjo na podlagi te projektne dokumentacije. Pri pogodbi o projektnem managementu pa storitve projektnega managementa segajo od predinvesticijskih študij o uresničljivosti zamisli in ekonomski učinkovitosti, projektiranja, izbire in koordinacije dobaviteljev opreme in izvajalcev del, nadzora, pogajanj in priprave ter sklepanja pogodb z dobavitelji opreme in izvajalci del.

Keywords:Novodobne kompleksne pogodbe v zvezi z gradnjo, zložene pogodbe, gradbeništvo, pogodba o projektiranju in gradnji, pogodba o projektiranju in nadzoru, pogodba o projektnem managementu
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96431 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:15798097 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Modern complex building contracts
The master's thesis presents the concept of modern complex building contracts. With the development of such contracts, various possibilities and combinations of realization of construction works have appeared for the client, and the roles of the designer, contractor and other experts have changed as compared with the traditional types of contracts related to construction. The three basic traditional types of contracts:design contract, construction contract, contract to supervision of works, often proved to be too rigid in the case of more demanding construction projects. In the meantime, complex types combine all elements of traditional types of contracts and normally services that the client would have to perform itself in the traditional approach. In the main part of the master's thesis, three combined contracts are presented: design and build contract, design and supervision contract, project management. Typically all three contracts offer the integration of certain services. The design and build contract involves the integration of design and building services on the side of the contractor, which, in addition to the responsibility for the execution of works, assumes responsibility for the project. In the design and supervision contract, the designer undertakes to prepare the project documentation and to supervise the construction on the basis of this project documentation. In the project management, project management services range from pre-investment studies on the feasibility of the idea and economic efficiency, design, selection and coordination of suppliers of equipment and contractors, supervision, negotiation and preparation and conclusion of contracts with suppliers of equipment and contractors.

Keywords:modern complex building contracts, combined contracts, construction, design and build contract, design and supervision contract, project management

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