
Ocena izdatnosti izvirov na robu vršaja reke Iške
ID Špeglič, Lucija (Author), ID Brenčič, Mihael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: D4FC4D57A3907524B519CE4597AE9E1F
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/7143840e-b696-461f-b6d2-7aea0b574293

Raziskovano območje se nahaja na južnem obrobju Ljubljanskega barja, kjer imamo opravka s svojevrstnimi hidrogeološkimi pojavi, in sicer tako imenovanimi barjanskimi okni. Barjanska okna v največji meri najdemo na meji med prodnim nanosom reke Iške in slabo prepustnimi jezerskimi sedimenti. V diplomski nalogi so podane ocene pretokov v izvirih na robu vršaja reke Iške. Obravnavala sem naslednje vodotoke: Ložca, Jevšnik, Strahomerska okna, Brest in Retje. Raziskava je zajemala delo na terenu, meritev pretokov in računalniško obdelavo podatkov. Analizirala sem povezavo med pretoki na izvirih in padavinami na padavinski postaji Črna vas, saj leži najbližje obravnavanim izvirom. Ugotovila sem, da imata izvira Jevšnik in Strahomerska okna, ki ležita na severozahodnem delu Iškega vršaja, večjo izdatnost kot ostali trije vodotoki, ki izvirajo iz holocenskega dela vodonosnika. Podatke opravljenih meritev sem primerjala s starejšimi podatki. Na voljo sem imela le meritve na Strahomerskih oknih in kanalu Jevšnik. Ugotovila sem, da so izvirne pretočne vrednosti na Strahomerskih oknih primerljive z vrednostmi med leti 1974 in 1980. Na kanalu Jevšnik je bil povprečni pretok v času meritev, ki sem jih izvedla, precej višji.

Keywords:izvir, barjanska okna, medzrnski vodonosnik, meritve pretokov, Ljubljansko barje, Iški vršaj
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96420 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:1357918 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Capacity estimate of springs on the edge of river Iška alluvial fan
The investigated area is located on the southern border of the Ljubljana moor, where we are dealing with peculiar hydrogeological occurrences, the so-called mire pools. These shallow springs in the shape of circular hollows can mostly be found on the border between gravel deposits of the Iška river and the low permeable lake sediments. In the thesis, the estimates of spring discharges at the edge of the Iška river are given. I have investigated the following watercourses: Ložca, Jevšnik, Strahomerska okna, Brest and Retja. The research covered fieldwork, flow measurements and computer data processing. I have analysed the connection between the spring discharge and the precipitation at the Črna vas precipitation station, as it is the closest to the researched spring. I found out that the springs Jevšnik and Strahomerska okna, located in the northwestern part of the Iška alluvial fan, have a higher yield than the other three streams originating from the Holocene part of the aquifer. I compared the data of the performed measurements with older data. I only had the measurements taken from Strahomerska okna and the Jevšnik canal. I have discovered that the original discharges at Strahomerska okna are comparable with the values between 1974 and 1980. On the other hand, the average discharge at the time of the measurements, that I have taken, was much higher.

Keywords:spring, mire pools, intergranular aquifer, discharge measurements, Ljubljana moor, Iška alluvial fan

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