
Elementarne igre in igre s prirejenimi pravili, primerne za uvajanje začetnikov v nogomet : diplomsko delo
ID Furek, Gregor (Author), ID Pori, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pocrnjič, Marko (Comentor)

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MD5: 060CFC6D1DE2D0385B3439E71066D21E
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/bc85b4df-6382-4ff4-911a-539b20c46e8b

Nogomet je ena najbolj priljubljenih športnih iger na svetu. Primarni nosilci nogometne igre so klubi, ki s svojimi programi vplivajo na razvitost in kakovost nogometa v državi. Nogometne šole predstavljajo prvi stik otrok z organiziranim nogometom. Prve klubske selekcije so U-7, v katere so vključeni otroci med 7. in 8. letom starosti. Pomembno sredstvo športne vadbe za delo z najmlajšimi selekcijami nogometašev so elementarne igre. Elementarne igre so preproste igralne oblike s prilagodljivimi pravili, ki se lahko spreminjajo glede na vadbene možnosti in zastavljene cilje, ter glede na sposobnosti in znanje vadečih. Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti elementarne igre, ki so pomembne za delo z najmlajšimi selekcijami nogometašev. So pomembno sredstvo za razvoj gibalnih sposobnosti. Pri vadbi se izberejo tako, da se sledi izbranemu cilju, ki se ga želi doseči. Ker otroci želijo igrati nogomet, jih je potrebno, ob igri in z vadbo, najprej naučiti predvsem elementov tehnike, kot so razni udarci, sprejemanje in vodenje žoge ter tudi nogometna pravila, s katerimi se jim omogoči preprosto nogometno igro. Vadba mora biti dinamična in mora pri otrocih vzbuditi zadovoljstvo. Poleg tega ukvarjanje s športom prispeva k zdravemu načinu življenja, pomembno pa je tudi športno-vzgojno delovanje; vse skupaj pa vpliva na skladen telesni in duševni razvoj otrok in mladine.

Keywords:elementarne igre, nogomet, gibalne sposobnosti, igre z žogo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96413 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5291441 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.10.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Elementary games and games with adjustable rules for soccer begginers
Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world. The main carriers of soccer are clubs, which with their programme effect the development and quality of players in the country. Soccer schools are the first contact between a child and professional soccer. First selections are U-7, which include children aged between 7 and 8 years. Important means of sports education for the smallest children are elementary games. These are simple skills with adjustable rules that may be changed upon the abilities and knowledge of the trainees and set goals. The main purpose of the thesis is to present elementary games that are important when working with the youngest selection of soccer players. Elementary games are the most important means of developing physical abilities. When exercising, we select them by following the main objectives that we want to achieve. The main objective is to teach children how to play soccer, therefore they need to learn the elements of technique, such as variety of shoots, receiving and leading the ball, as well as rules of the game, which allow them to play a simple soccer game. The exercises should be dynamic and must bring pleasure to children. In addition, sports engagement contributes to a healthier lifestyle. Sports education is important as it effects in physical and mental development of children and youth.

Keywords:elementary games, soccer, motoric abilities, games with ball

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