
Zagotavljanje transparentnosti oskrbovalne verige s tehnologijo veriženja podatkovnih blokov
ID PAVLOVIĆ, ROBERT (Author), ID Zajc, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 8FF1659610D61F8ABB392A92D9B07449
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/9cc96d53-4ba5-4714-a599-b030388c681c

V okviru magistrskega dela smo razvili prototipno rešitev za sledenje izdelkom v oskrbovalni verigi na tehnologiji veriženja podatkovnih blokov, standarda GS1, varnostnih nalepk in analizi obstoječe rešitve Codikett. Aplikacija omogoča vsem členov v verigi posodabljanje distribucijske poti in preverjanje stanja izdelka na zgodovinsko neoporečnih skupnih informacijah. Namen rešitve je v preprečevanju nepravilnosti v oskrbovalnih verigah: črna tržišča, nezakonite prodajne poti, manipulacija prodaje izdelkov, ponarejanje izdelkov in vzpostavitev komunikacije med proizvajalcem ter končnim potrošnikom. Aplikacijo smo razvili s spletnim orodjem Hyperledger Composer. Tehnologija veriženja podatkovnih blokov se lahko uporablja v številnih poslovnih namenih razpršenih storitev in aplikacij. Danes je veliko poslovnih modelov odvisnih od procesov in posredniških funkcij centralnih avtoritet. Z uvedbo tehnologije je mogoče slednje odstraniti in procese prenesti med vse udeležence v omrežju, uvesti enakopravnost med njimi in verodostojnost informacij. Vsi sodelujoči se morajo strinjati s spremembo stanja, ki se zapiše v podatkovni blok verige, katere zgodovino ni mogoče spreminjati. V izogib sporom med udeleženci lahko vsi preverijo zgodovino stanj. Mnogi so mnenja, da je tehnologija naslednja tehnološka prelomnica. Magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na dva dela. V prvem delu smo se seznanili z osnovnimi koncepti tehnologije, oskrbovalne verige in logistike ter analizo obstoječe rešitve, pri kateri smo imeli detajlen vpogled. V drugemu delu pa smo na podlagi analize in dobre prakse implementirali rešitev ter jo primerjali z obstoječo. V zaključku smo vrednotili dosežen rezultat in predstavili številne možnosti nadaljnjega razvoja.

Keywords:sledenje izdelkom, oskrbovalna veriga, tehnologija veriženja podatkovnih blokov, Hyperledger Composer, GS1
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-96362 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.09.2017
PAVLOVIĆ, ROBERT, 2017, Zagotavljanje transparentnosti oskrbovalne verige s tehnologijo veriženja podatkovnih blokov [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Ensuring the supply chain transparency with the blockchain technology
Within the master thesis, we developed a prototype solution for tracking products in the supply chain with the blockchain technology, the GS1 standard, security labels and the analysis of the existing Codikett solution. The application allows all members in the chain to update the distribution path and verify the status of the product on historically innocuous shared information. The purpose of the solution is to prevent irregularities in supply chains: black markets, illegal sales channels, manipulation of product sales, product counterfeiting and communication channel between the manufacturer and the final consumer. We developed the application with the Hyperledger Composer. Blockchain technology can be used in many business applications of scattered services and applications. Today, many business models depend on processes and intermediate functions of central authorities. With the introduction of technology, they can be removed and the processes transferred to all network participants, introduce equality between them and the credibility of information. All participants must agree with a change in the status that is recorded in the chain of data block whose history can not be changed. In order to avoid conflicts between participants, everyone can check the history of the situation. Many believe that technology is the next technological breakthrough. The masters thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part, we familiarized ourselves with the basic concepts of technology, supply chain and logistics, and an analysis of the existing solution, in which we had a detailed insight. In the second part, on the basis of analysis and good practice, we implemented the solution and compared it with the existing one. In conclusion, we evaluated the achieved result and presented numerous possibilities for further development.

Keywords:supply chain, blockchain technology, Hyperledger Composer, standard GS

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