
Uporaba profila SLO-LARSP za analizo slovnične zmožnosti triletnih otrok
ID Praprotnik, Ana (Author), ID Ozbič, Martina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Skubic, Darija (Comentor)

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Slovnična zmožnost je del širše jezikovne zmožnosti in zajema védenje in pravilno rabo oblikoslovnih in skladenjskih pravil pri tvorbi posameznih besed, besednih zvez, stavkov in povedi. Otroci slovnično zmožnost postopoma usvajajo v prvih letih svojega življenja in z njo pridobivajo znanje za uspešno komunikacijo. O razvoju slovnične zmožnosti slovensko govorečih otrok (razvojnih in starostnih mejnikih) piše majhno število avtorjev, prav tako pa se zaradi odsotnosti ustreznih standardiziranih testov razvoj slovnične zmožnosti ocenjuje predvsem na podlagi sodbe strokovnjakov. Teoretični del predstavlja pregled znanja o razvoju slovnične zmožnosti in pregled možnih načinov ocenjevanja tega področja. V empiričnem delu je predstavljen instrument SLO-LARSP (protokol za jezikovno ocenjevanje, pomoč in pregled), ki na ravni stavka, besedne zveze in besede analizira otrokove izjave, pridobljene s pomočjo transkripcije posnetka interakcije med otrokom in strokovnjakom. SLO-LARSP je slovenska različica profila LARSP avtorja Davida Crystala, ki ga je v sedemdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja razvil za jezikovno ocenjevanje in načrtovanje terapije. Profil SLO-LARSP je še v fazi prirejanja za slovenski jezik in empirični del predstavlja prvi preizkus profila na desetih triletnih otrocih. Preizkus je pokazal, da je profil zelo informativen, ekonomičen z vidika materialnih sredstev, zahteva pa veliko časa za celotno izvedbo in veliko znanja s področja jezikoslovja. Izkazalo se je tudi, da je nekatere dele profila potrebno še dodatno prirediti, zato je v sklepu predstavljena nova različica profila z zajetimi spremembami. Magistrsko delo predstavlja novost v slovenski logopedski stroki, saj ponuja instrument za oceno razvoja slovnične zmožnosti, ki bo oplemenitil logopedov nabor pripomočkov za kakovostno diagnostiko govora, jezika in komunikacije.

Keywords:slovnična zmožnost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95939 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11733321 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The use of SLO-LARSP profile for analysis of grammatical competence of three-year-old children
Grammatical competence is a part of the wider linguistic competence and consists of knowledge and the right use of morphological and syntactical rules when producing individual words, phrases, clauses and sentences. Children are gradually gaining grammatical competence in the first years of their life and through it the knowledge for a successful communication. Few authors write about the development of grammatical competence of Slovene-speaking children (developmental and age milestones). Additionally, the lack of the standardized tests results in the assessment of development of grammatical competence, which is based only on the judgment of experts. Theoretical part presents a review of the knowledge about the development of grammatical competence and the possible ways of assessing this area. Empirical part presents SLO-LARSP (Slovenian Language Assessment, Remediation and Screening Procedure) – an instrument which analyses child's utterances on sentence, clause, phrase and word level, gained by recording and transcribing child-expert interaction. SLO-LARSP is a Slovenian version of LARSP profile, which was made in 70’s by the author David Crystal in order to assess children's language and plan the therapy. SLO-LARSP profile is still in the phase of adaptation for the Slovene language and the empirical part presents the first use of the profile with ten three-year-old children. This test showed that SLO-LARSP profile is highly informative and economical from material point of view; nevertheless, it demands a lot of time for the entire profiling procedure and quite a linguistic knowledge. The test also showed that some parts of the profile need additional adaptation – the final part of this thesis proposes the new version of SLO-LARSP profile that contains several alternations. This master thesis is a novelty in the Slovenian speech and language therapy field, since it offers an instrument for the assessment of the development of grammatical competence, which will enrich the therapist's collection of devices for quality speech, language and communication diagnostics.

Keywords:grammatical competence

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