
Optimizacija skaliranja mikrostoritev v okolju Kubernetes na podlagi zbiranja metrik
ID Blažej, Aljaž (Author), ID Jurič, Branko Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/cefb4e7e-2bcf-4caf-aca4-69ceb8039718

Z večanjem števila uporabnikov interneta in kompleksnostjo spletnih aplikacij raste tudi potreba po optimizaciji uporabe strojne opreme, na kateri je nameščena aplikacija. Pri tej optimizaciji ima veliko vlogo koncept mikrostoritev, saj ima ta pristop veliko prednosti pred monolitnim, kot so boljša izkoriščenost virov, skalabilnost in izoliranost različnih delov aplikacije. Prav tako je zelo pomembno zbiranje metrik, ki se ob iskanju napak in analizi delovanja sistemov velikokrat uporabijo tudi kot podlaga za avtomatsko skaliranje mikrostoritev. V diplomskem delu bomo predstavili razloge za zbiranje metrik in navedli najbolj koristne. Opisali bomo javansko knjižnico Dropwizard Metrics, ki je eno izmed najbolj razširjenih orodij za zbiranje in izpostavljanje metrik. Integrirali jo bomo v ogrodje KumuluzEE in s tem poenostavili izdelavo in poganjanje mikrostoritve, ki zbira in izpostavlja metrike v vsebniških okoljih. Predstavili bomo tudi sistem za orkestracijo in upravljanje z vsebniki, Kubernetes, njegove osnovne komponente ter namestitev večvozliščne gruče. Na koncu bomo pokazali, kako namestiti mikrostoritev v gručo Kubernetes in uporabiti metrike, ki jih zbira, kot vir za replikacijo vsebnikov.

Keywords:Kubernetes, metrike, skaliranje, Dropwizard, KumuluzEE
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95933 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2017
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Title:Microservice scaling optimization based on metric collection in Kubernetes
As web applications become more complex and the number of internet users rises, so does the need to optimize the use of hardware supporting these applications. Optimization can be achieved with microservices, as they offer several advantages compared to the monolithic approach, such as better utilization of resources, scalability and isolation of different parts of an application. Another important part is collecting metrics, since they can be used for analysis and debugging as well as the basis for automatic scaling of microservices. In our diploma work we describe the advantages of collecting metrics and identify the most important ones. We also do a detailed analysis of the Dropwizard Metrics library, which is one of the most used tool-kits for monitoring Java applications. We implement an extension for collecting metrics in microservices developed with the KumuluzEE microservice framework and simplify the development and deployment of microservices that collect and expose metrics. We describe the container orchestration and management system Kubernetes, its components and the steps needed to create a multinode cluster. Finally, we deploy the microservice and use the collected metrics to optimize the scaling process.

Keywords:Kubernetes, Metrics, Scaling, Dropwizard, KumuluzEE

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