
Zasnova in razvoj rešitve za dinamično odkrivanje mikrostoritev v oblačnih arhitekturah
ID Malc, Urban (Author), ID Jurič, Branko Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 415AB5B3FF8BBB88FA657C06035E6B5B
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/8eacf64f-9d79-44b7-864c-d5f87cb84633

Arhitektura mikrostoritev poleg številnih prednosti prinaša tudi nove izzive, ki jih pri tradicionalnih arhitekturah ne srečujemo. Eden izmed njih je problem dinamičnega dodeljevanja naslovov. Moderne aplikacije, grajene v arhitekturi mikrostoritev se izvajajo v vsebniških okoljih, saj ta omogočajo enostavno postavitev in horizontalno skaliranje mikrostoritev. Vsebniška okolja zaradi poenostavitve skaliranja naslove mikrostoritev dodeljujejo dinamično. Problem nastane pri komunikaciji med mikrostoritvami, saj so njihovi naslovi znani šele ob njihovem zagonu. Potrebno je dinamično odkrivanje naslovov mikrostoritev med samim izvajanjem. V diplomskem delu smo raziskali pomen odkrivanja storitev v arhitekturi mikrostoritev. Zasnovali in razvili smo sistem, ki razvijalcem omogoča enostavno registracijo in odkrivanje storitev v ogrodju KumuluzEE in predstavili njegovo delovanje z vzorčno aplikacijo, ki ta sistem uporablja. Z dinamičnim odkrivanjem mikrostoritev smo omogočili uporabo dinamičnega dodeljevanja naslovov mikrostoritvam in s tem olajšali njihovo integracijo s sodobnimi oblačnimi okolji.

Keywords:mikrostoritve, cloud-native, odkrivanje storitev, etcd, Consul
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95931 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2017
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Title:Design and implementation of dynamic microservice discovery solution in cloud architectures
Microservice architecture offers many advantages over monolithic application design, but at the same time presents challenges, not present in traditional architectures. One of the challenges is handling dynamic allocation of microservice addresses. Modern applications, built in microservice arhitecture typically run in containerized environments, which enable simple deployment and horizontal scaling of microservices. Containerized environments usually allocate microservice addresses dynamically, as this simplifies the scaling process. Problem arises when communication between microservices is required. Since addresses of microservices are allocated when microservices are deployed, dynamic discovery of microservice addresses during runtime is required. In our thesis, we discuss the importance of service discovery in microservice architectures. We design and develop a system, which enables simple service registration and discovery in the KumuluzEE framework. We demonstrate the usage of the developed solution through a reference application. Dynamic service discovery enables the usage of dynamic address allocation in microservices, which alleviates their integration with modern cloud environments.

Keywords:microservices, cloud-native, service discovery, etcd, Consul

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