
Izdelava 3D modela objekta v naravi z brezpilotnim letalnikom
ID LIKOZAR, DOMEN (Author), ID Zajc, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 604E75671370FE3E0C87C1F2EF51DE18
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c2141965-44f2-4be0-9581-630019c22e4c

V diplomskem delu je opisana tehnika za izdelavo 3D-modela objekta v naravi iz zajetih fotografij z brezpilotnim letalnikom. Cilj diplomske naloge je izdelava 3D-modela cerkve sv. Uršule na Sorškem polju pri Kranju. V diplomski nalogi so opisana orodja, s katerimi sem projekt realiziral, to je brezpilotni letalnik, opremljen s kamero, in ustrezna programska oprema. Pri programski opremi sem primerjal tri različne programe za 3D-modeliranje objektov na podlagi zajetih fotografij. Izmed pregledanih programov sem izbral program DroneDeploy, s katerim sem projekt izvedel. Obrazložen je celoten postopek zajemanja slik objekta v naravi in postopek obdelave fotografij s storitvijo v oblaku. V delu je narejena primerjava dveh načinov zajema fotografij. Prvi način temelji na avtomatskem zajemu fotografij po predhodno določenem načrtu leta, drugi način pa je ročni v orbitalnem letu okoli objekta v naravi. Oba načina zajema sem uporabil pri izdelavi izbranega objekta v naravi. V zaključku predstavljam tudi svoja predvidevanja glede možne uporabe 3D-modelov objektov v prihodnosti v razvoju nepremičninskega trga in težave, ki so se pojavile pri izvedbi projekta.

Keywords:brezpilotni letalnik, 3D-model, mapiranje, nepremičnine, orodja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95908 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Creating a 3D model of an object in nature with unmanned aerial vehicle
The diploma thesis describes the technique for creating a 3D model of an object in nature using an unmanned aerial vehicle. The goal of the thesis is to create a 3D model of the church of St. Uršula located on Sorško polje near Kranj. The diploma thesis describes the tools with which the project was realized, an unmanned aerial vehicle and software programs. Three different programs are compared that promise the same result when creating a 3D model from a series of photos. From the compared programs, I chose DroneDeploy as the tool with which I finished the project. The entire process of capturing an object and the process of processing the series of photos on the cloud of the program is explained. Two different methods of capturing are compared. The first method is based on the automatic capture of photographs according to a predetermined flight plan, while the other way of capturing photographs is based on manual capture in an orbital flight around the structure and then merging these photographs with the ones from the predetermined flight plan. In the conclusion we also present the possible future development of the real estate industry and present the problems that were faced during the project.

Keywords:unmanned aerial vehicle, 3D model, mapping, real estate, tools

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