
Prepoznavanje trpinčenja med otroki in ravnanje vzgojiteljev
ID Poljak, Valentina (Author), ID Devjak, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Berčnik, Sanja (Comentor)

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V diplomskem delu sem preučevala trpinčenje med otroki ter prepoznavanje in ravnanje vzgojiteljic pri zaznavi trpinčenja. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej opredelila pojem nasilja, pri katerem gre za skupek agresivnih in sovražnih dejavnosti posameznih skupin ter njihovih članov, kjer so v ospredju socialni in kulturni dejavniki. Omenila sem vrste nasilja, kot so fizično, psihično, spolno, ekonomsko nasilje in zanemarjanje. Nato sem opredelila pojem trpinčenja med otroki, o katerem govorimo takrat, ko je otrok v daljšem časovnem obdobju večkrat izpostavljen agresivnemu vedenju, ki ga je povzročil njegov sovrstnik ali skupina otrok. Predstavila sem značilnosti žrtve in nasilneža ter kako ju prepoznamo. Pojasnila sem razlike med spoloma in posledice trpinčenja. Omenila sem še nekaj zakonov, s katerimi v času trpinčenja zaščitimo otrokove pravice. V zadnjem poglavju teoretičnega dela pa sem pisala še o preprečevanju trpinčenja v vrtcu, ravnanju pedagoških delavcev ob sumu trpinčenja med otroki in pogovoru z otrokom, ki je žrtev trpinčenja. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da nekatere vzgojiteljice ne prepoznajo pravega trpinčenja, saj se po podatkih sodeč s takšnim primerom ni srečala več kot polovica anketirank. Ugotovila sem, da jih večina zgolj na podlagi dovolj vidnih posledic razbere, da je otrok žrtev trpinčenja, kot tudi kateri otrok je povzročitelj trpinčenja. Premalo pozornosti dajejo manj opaznim, prikritim dejanjem. Tiste vzgojiteljice, ki so se s primerom trpinčenja že srečale, pa so večinoma ravnale tako, da so se pogovorile z obema otrokoma in njihovimi starši, nekatere pa so se obrnile tudi na zunanjo institucijo. O nastali situaciji je večina obvestila kar sodelavko. Najbolj pogosti ukrepi, s katerimi preprečujejo trpinčenje med otroki, pa so pogovor z nasilnežem, z žrtvijo, s starši in pohvale pozitivnega vedenja. Ker jih samo tretjina uporabi sankcije, menim, da njihovo ravnanje ni ustrezno, ker žrtev trpinčenja še naprej trpi, pri tem pa povzročiteljevo dejanje ni kaznovano. Menim, da je njihovo prepoznavanje in ukrepanje toliko slabše in imajo manj znanja tudi zato, ker se jih večina ni udeležila nobenega izobraževanja na to temo.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95902 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:11730505 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:The identification of child maltreatment and the conduct of educators
In my thesis paper, I have studied the bullying among children and the reognition and treatment of educators in the perception of bullying. In the theoretical part, i firstly defined the concept of violence, which is a set of aggressive and hostile activites by individual groups and their members, where social and cultural factors are in the foreground. I have mentioned types of violence, such as physical, psychological, sexual, economic violence en neglect. Then I defined the concept of maltreatmenf amongst children, which is a consequence of a child being often exposed to aggressive behavior, caused by a peer or a group of children. I have also presented the characteristics of the victim and the bully, and how we notice or recognize them. I have explained the differences between the sexes and the consequences of bullying. Furthermore, I have stated some laws, with which we protect children's right in the time of bullying. In the last chapter of the theoretical part I have also written about preventing bullying in kindergarten, the behavior of the pedagogical staff at the signs of bullying among children, and the coversation with the child who is the victim of bullying. Research shows that some pedagogical works do not recognize real bullying, considering that not even half of the surveyed have encountered such case. I have discovered that most of the pedagogical workers see that a child is a victim of bullying and the culprit behind it, only on the base of highly visible consequences. They do not give enough attention to less visible, hidden acts. Those pedagogical workers who have already had a case of bullying usually act by having a converastion with the both children and their parents, some of those also seek help in the eyternal instituion. The majority of the pedagogical workers who have come upon such cases has informed their coworkers. The most freuqent measures they use to prevent bullying among children are having a conversation with the bully, the vistim and the parents, and praising the positive behavior. Since only third of the pedagogical workers use sanctions, I believe that their behavior is inappropriate, since the vistim of the bullying is still suffering and the bully's acts are not sanctioned. I believe that their recognition and actions are that worse and they have less knowledge also because most of them have not attended any kind of education in this coure.


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