
Specifikacija in implementacija preproste internetne platforme za prenos vsebin
ID ČEFERIN, MARKO (Author), ID Pejović, Veljko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: B46F3F411C8F903292EBB9673D6E2832
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/35360d27-a123-41a7-b80b-34b57a8b1d41

Svetovni splet (World Wide Web) je največji in najbolj popularen hiperterkstovni informacijski sistem na svetu. Milijarde ljudi ga uporablja za dostop do informacij. S stalnim dodajanjem zmogljivosti je splet postal vsenamenska aplikacijska platforma. Posledica te kompleksnosti je to, da je sama vsebina pogosto skrita za predstavitvijo in interakcijo. To diplomsko delo definira specifikacije za protokol ter format dokumentov, ki poskuša rešiti problem kompleksnosti pri uporabi spleta za dostop do vsebinskih virov. To predstavlja alternativo uporabi trenutnih spletnih tehnologij za brskanje po straneh s poudarkom na vsebini, ki je bistveno bolj enostavna za implementacijo ter uporabo. S tem postane dostop do vsebinskih virov enostaven, splet pa se še vedno lahko uporablja kot aplikacijska platforma. Na ta način se predvsem poenostavi izdelava novih spletnih brskalnikov, ki so lažji za implementacijo ter potrebujejo dosti manj računalniških virov. Hkrati se omogoči enostaven programski dostop do vsebin, ki so bile klasično dostopne le ljudem.

Keywords:Splet, protokol, format dokumentov, dostop do vsebin, semantično označevanje besedila
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95800 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2017
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Title:Specification and Implementation of a Light-Weight Internet Content Delivery Platform
The World Wide Web is the largest and most popular hypertext information system in the world. It is used by billions of people primarily to share information between themselves. As more and more features are added to it, modern Web has become a powerful general-purpose application platform. The cost of that complexity is the content itself being obscured behind all the layout, presentation and interaction. This thesis specifies a simple protocol and document format intended to solve the problem of exceeding complexity of using the Web to access content sources without using complicated monolithic applications that require powerful hardware to run. This provides an alternative to the current Web technologies for browsing pages focused on the content itself, while being significantly simpler to implement and use. By using the new technologies, accessing content sources becomes simple, while the current Web remains useful as an application platform. Foremost, this simplifies creation of new browser engines that are easier to implement and need less processing resources to run. At the same time, it enables programmatic access to content that used to be accessible only to human readers.

Keywords:Web, protocol, document format, content delivery, semantic markup

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