
ID Ambrožič, Maja (Author), ID Ivanko, Štefan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: DC5385EA9D3B8909C5F5D79E532429E2
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1f797741-ae44-45ab-855d-d7bb93ff0f68

V diplomskem delu je predstavljena raziskava organizacijske kulture v organizaciji. Raziskava je utemeljena na študiji primera organizacije, Javne agencije zaraziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije. Oblikovanje organizacijske kulture je dolgoročen proces, v katerem sodelujejo vodilni in zaposleni. Da bi dosegli dobro razvito organizacijsko kulturo je potrebno tesno sodelovanje vodilnih in zaposlenih, saj le zadovoljni zaposleni lahko pripomorejo k doseganju učinkovite in uspešne organizacije. Posledično se to odraža tudi na zadovoljstvu zunanjih udeležencev. Razvoj organizacijske kulture je rezultat medsebojnega sodelovanja vseh zaposlenih, zato je vsak zaposleni v okviru svojih pristojnosti odgovoren za napredek na področju organizacijske kulture. Diplomsko delo analizira razvitost organizacijske kulture in ugotavlja prevladujoči tip organizacijske kulture v organizaciji, v kateri sem zaposlena od njene ustanovitve, Javni agenciji za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije. Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti tip organizacijske kulture, ki je prisoten v navedeni organizaciji ter preko vprašalnika zaposlenim ter intervjujev z direktorjem agencije in namestnico direktorja identificirati vlogo vodstva v razvoju in oblikovanju organizacijske kulture. Poleg navedenega je namen izvedene raziskave tudi ugotoviti raven zadovoljstva zaposlenih z obstoječim tipom organizacijske kulture ter identificirati želeni tip organizacijske kulture v prihodnje. Na podlagi obdelave rezultatov so bile potrjene vse tri zastavljene hipoteze: ugotovljeno je bilo, da je prevladujoči tip organizacijske kulture v agenciji Hierarhija, zaposleni si v prihodnje želijo uveljavitve klanskega tipa organizacijske kulture, vodstvo agencije daje velik poudarek razvoju organizacijske kulture, sodelovanje z zaposlenimi je zadovoljivo in zaposleni so zadovoljni z obstoječim tipom organizacijske kulture, v prihodnje bi si želeli sprememb v smeri klanskega tipa organizacijske kulture.

Keywords:organizacijska kultura, agencija, organizacija, organizacijska klima, zadovoljstvo zaposlenih
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95777 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2017
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Secondary language

The bachelor's thesis presents a survey of organizational culture within an organization. The survey is based upon a case study of the Slovenian Research Agency. The creation of organizational culture is a long-term process involving both managers and employees. A well-developed organizational culture requires close cooperation between managers and employees, as only satisfied employeess can contribute to the creation of an effective and successful organization. Consequently, this is also reflected in satisfied external actors. Since the development of organizational culture results from mutual cooperation between all employees, every employee is responsible for the progress of the organizational culture within their respective competences. The bachelor’s thesis analyses the state of development of the organizational culture and identifies what kind of culture prevails in an organization in which I have been employed since its establishment, the Slovenian Research Agency. The purpose of the study was to investigate the type of organizational culture in the mentioned organization and the role of leadership in the development and design of the organizational culture, based on the questionnaire and the interview with the director and his deputy. It was also intended to determine the satisfaction of employees with the existing type of the organisational culture, and to identify preferred type of the organisational culture for the future. The processing of the results confirmed all three hypotheses and based on the analysis of the results the following was found: the dominant type of organizational culture in the agency is a hierarchy; employees for the future wish for a “klanska” type of organizational culture; the leadership gives great importance to the development of an organizational culture and the cooperation between employees and leadership is close and continuous, and employees are satisfied with the current organisational culture, nevertheless, changes towards [klanska] organisational culture would be welcomed for the future.

Keywords:organizational culture, agency, organization, organizational climate, employee satisfaction

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