
Razvoj rezultatov žensk v tekih na srednje in dolge proge na olimpijskih igrah od leta 1992-2012 : diplomsko delo
ID Seničar, Eva (Author), ID Čoh, Milan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: D9CD44C1285460C50FCED2A6555C0AAD
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c938c694-940f-45fc-8f3c-a9e736bc8315

Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti trend razvoja rezultatov v tekih na srednje in dolge proge pri ženskah. Ženske so se s težavo in precej pozno vključile v "moški" šport. Atletika, predvsem tek, predstavlja osnovo vsem ostalim športom. Osredotočili smo se na srednje in dolge proge saj podobne raziskave še nismo zasledili. Cilji diplomskega dela so bili ugotoviti razvoj rezultatov, trend razvoja telesene višine, teže, ITM in starosti tekmovalk na srednje in dolge proge na olimpijskih igrah v letih 1992 - 2012. Poleg tega, pa smo ugotavljali tudi število odstopov v posamezni disciplini ter analizirali rezultate zmagovalk glede na to iz katere države prihajajo. Statistično smo preverjali tudi povezanost spremenljivk starosti, telesne višine, telesne teže in ITM tekmovalk z rezultati njihovih tekov na srednje in dolge proge. V vzorec merjencev so bile vključene vse atletinje, ki so tekmovale v finalnih tekih na 800 m in 1500 m ter v tekih na 10000 m in v maratonu, kjer je le en tek, na olimpijskih igrah od leta 1992 do 2012. Spremenljivke, ki smo jih uporabili v diplomskem delu smo pridobili na spletni strani Sports Reference. Podatke smo nato obdelali s programsko opremo Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011 in IBM SPSS Statistics Version 20. Glede na rezultate smo ugotovili, da se rezultati ne izboljšujejo linearno, vendar nihajo. Povprečna starost tekmovalk je pri krajših tekih nižja kot v maratonu. Z dolžino proge pa se manjša tudi povprečna višina, saj so maratonke v povprečju za 7 cm nižje kot tekmovalke na 800 m.

Keywords:ženske, teki na srednje in dolge proge, olimpijske igre, razvoj rezultatov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95774 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5257649 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Development of the results of women in middle and long distance running at the Olympic Games from 1992 to 2012
The purpose of the graduation paper was to determine the trend of development of results in middle and long distance running for women. Women have been involved in a "male" sport with difficulty and rather late. Athletics, especially running, is the basis for all other sports. We focused on middle and long distance running because we have not yet seen similar research. The aim of the graduation paper was to determine the development of results, the trend of developing height, weight, BMI and age of competitors in middle and long distance running at the Olympic games from 1992 to 2012. In addition, we also determined the number of withdraws in each discipline and analyzed the results of the winners depending on the country from which they come from. We also statistically checked the correlation of age, height, weight and BMI of competitors with the results of their running in middle and long distance tracks. In our research we included all the athletes who competed in the final runs at 800 meters and 1500 meters and running at 10000 meters and in the marathon, where there is only one run, at the Olympic Games from 1992 to 2012. The variables we used in the graduation paper was obtained at the Sports Reference website. Data was then processed with Microsoft Excel for Mac 2011 and IBM SPSS Statistics Version 20. Based on the results, we found that the results did not improve linearly, but fluctuate. The average age of competitors in shorter distances is lower than in the marathon. The average height also decreases as the length of the distance increases, such as the marathons are on average 7 cm lower than the competitors at 800 m.

Keywords:women, middle and long distance running, Olympic Games, development of results

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