
Gibljivost v jazz plesu : diplomsko delo
ID Lainšček, Klara (Author), ID Zaletel, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 190A88A6CCDE40DF1DB20A248C651DA3
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/20b4abb8-5937-4adb-a43e-3d4aeed27d3c
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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a6f2edd4-291a-402b-b765-d5da1cb61118

Plesna tekmovanja so v jazz plesu povzročila velik napredek v telesni pripravljenosti plesalcev, tako z vidika gibalnih sposobnostih kot tudi z vidika estetske komponente gibanja. Gibljivost je postala eden ključnih elementov za dober nastop in zanimalo nas je, če lahko s primernim programom, oziroma treningom vplivamo na njen razvoj. Sestavili smo 12-tedenski program razvijanja gibljivosti, ki je bil zasnovan na podlagi izvajanja celotnih jazz treningov. To pomeni, da smo na rednih treningih ob razvoju plesne tehnike dali večji poudarek tudi razvoju gibljivosti. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 12 plesalk, ki smo jih razdelili v 3 skupine. Tri plesalke so trenirale bolj intenzivno enkrat tedensko, pet jih je treniralo dvakrat tedensko in štiri trikrat tedensko. Plesalke smo testirali pred začetkom izvajanja programa za razvoj gibljivosti in po koncu, torej po dvanajstih tednih. Uporabili smo naslednje gibalne teste: zvinek, opora, razkorak čelno, bočni razkorak z desno ter bočni razkorak z levo, predklon raznožno sede in predklon snožno stoje. Pri vseh testih, razen pri zvinku, se je pokazalo statistično značilno izboljšanje med začetnim in končnim testiranjem. V rezultatih analize variance pa so bile razlike med skupinami statistično značilne samo pri testu bočni razkorak z desno. Najbolj so napredovale plesalke, ki so dodatno trenirale dvakrat tedensko. 12-tedenski program razvijanja gibljivosti se je izkazal kot učinkovito sredstvo za razvoj gibljivosti nog in medeničnega obroča.

Keywords:jazz ples, gibljivost, statično raztezanje, balistično raztezanje, PNF-raztezanje, 12-tedenski program
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FŠ - Faculty of Sport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95760 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5281713 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Flexibility in Jazz Dance
Competitions in jazz dance created huge improvements in physical condition of dancers. They improved as much in movement abilities as in aesthetic component. Flexibility became one of the key elements of a good performance. We were interested in the possibility of influencing the development of flexibility through a suitable program and training. We created a 12 - week program of developing flexibility which was based on the implementation of complete jazz trainings. In addition to the development of dance technique, we emphasized the development of flexibility in regular training. The research involved 12 dancers who were divided in 3 groups. Three of them trained once a week, five of them trained twice a week and four of them trained three times a week. The dancers were tested before the implementation of the program for the development of flexibility, and after the end, that is after 12 weeks. We used the following tests: twist, support, front split, left and right side split, forward bent sitting with legs apart and forward bent standing with legs together. In all tests, except for the twist, a statistically significant improvement was observed between initial and final testing. In the analysis of variance, the differences between the groups were statistically significant only in the case of the right side split test. It was also interesting that dancers who trained twice a week improved the most. Our 12 - week program has proven to be an effective tool for developing the flexibility of legs and pelvic ring.

Keywords:jazz dance, flexibility, static stretching, ballistic stretching, PNF stretching, 12 - week program

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