V diplomskem delu smo preverjali barvo barjenih klobas na slovenskem trgu. Intenzivnost barve smo merili instrumentalno s kromometrom Minolta. Preverjali smo 21 vzorcev šestih proizvajalcev. Barvo smo izmerili na svežem rezu in po 30 minutah v hladilniku. V tem času je prišlo do spremembe barve, in sicer vrednost L*, ki pomeni svetlost, se je zmanjšala, prav tako tudi vrednost a* in posledično rdeč odtenek. Vrednost b* pa se je povečala, kar je privedlo do večje stopnje rumenega odtenka klobas. Med analiziranimi vzorci barjenih klobas smo ugotovili prisotnost barvila karmina, ki je odgovoren za temnejšo barvo, le v treh vzorcih. V enem vzorcu barjene klobase nismo potrdili prisotnosti natrijevega nitrita, ki je odgovoren za razvoj rožnate barve. Na osnovi dobljenih rezultatov lahko sklepamo, da je barva večine barjenih klobas na slovenskem trgu zadovoljiva.
Language: | English |
Title: | The colour of boiled sausages on the Slovenian market |
Abstract: |
We were checking the color of boiled sausages on the Slovenian market. The color of boiled sausages was measured with instrumental chromometry. The machine used to measure the color of boiled sausages is the Minolta chromometer. We analysed 21 samples of six different manufacturers. The color was measured immediately after we opened them and after 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Color of the samples after 30 minutes in the refrigerator changed. The brightness (L*) of the samples was reduced, the a* value which is responsible for red shades also decreased which means that the sausages were darker and less red. The value of b* increased, that means that there were more yellow shades in the sausages. We have come to a conclusion that there is not a lot of food colorants in our samples. The added food colorant in sausages was carmine which causes darker color. All the other samples but one contained sodium nitrite which is responsible for development of a typical pink color of boiled sausages. After all these observations and measurements we have come to a conclusion that the color of boiled sausages on the Slovenian market is appropriate.
Keywords: | sausages, boiled sausages, posebna klobasa, hrenovke, pariška klobasa, additives, sensory properties, color of meat, myoglobin, analytical methods, instrumental measurement of color, Minolta chromometer |