
Haploidna embriogeneza in mikropropagacija novih izhodiščnih genotipov zelja (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)
ID Potokar, Urška Karolina (Author), ID Bohanec, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rudolf Pilih, Katarina (Comentor)

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1febf247-38fb-4d0d-9117-2080ae137b0f

V okviru programa žlahtnjenja zelja (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) smo preverjali odzivnost posameznih genotipov na haploidno embriogenezo. Iz izhodiščnih rastlin smo porezali brste, iz njih izolirali mikrospore in jih gojili v NLN gojišču brez dodatka ali z dodatkom 0,02 % aktivnega oglja. Po 33 dneh smo prešteli formirane embrije. Oglje ni imelo statistično značilnega vpliva na indukcijo embrijev, le-ti pa so bili večji in bolj regenerativno sposobni. Pri treh genotipih je bilo povprečno število embrijev višje kot 50 embrijev/petrijevko, pri ostalih petih genotipih pa je bilo število embrijev nižje (11,4 – 39,0 embrijev/petrijevko). Embrije smo prestavili na B5 gojišče za regeneracijo ali pa smo jih predhodno tretirali še z abscizinsko kislino (ABA). Ob takojšnji prestavitvi na B5 gojišče, se je v rastline regeneriralo 23,8 - 46,0 % embrijev. Po tretiranju z ABA in izsušitvi smo dosegli višji odstotek regeneracije (37,0 - 73,3 %) in normalen razvoj rastlin. Ploidnost smo izmerili 671 regenerantom in od tega je bilo 275 podvojenih haploidov (41 %), ki smo jih uspešno aklimatizirali. Delež aklimatizacije je znašal 98 %. Z namenom optimizacije postopka mikropropagacije in klonskega razmnoževanja že pridobljenih linij iz predhodnih poskusov žlahtnjenja smo devet linij inokulirali na tri MS gojišča z različnimi koncentracijami hormonov. Največ poganjkov smo dobili na gojišču z 2,0 mg/l IBA in 3,0 mg/l BAP. Po končani razrasti poganjkov smo jih koreninili na polovičnem brezhormonskem MS gojišču. Delež koreninjenja je bil med 50 % in 78 %. Zdrave in ukoreninjene poganjke smo prestavili v rastlinjak, kjer je bila aklimatizacija 97 % uspešna.

Keywords:žlahtnjenje rastlin, zelje, kultura mikrospor, indukcija haploidov, mikropropagacija, hibridi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[U. K. Potokar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95724 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8789369 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Haploid Embryogenesis and micropropagation of new donor cabbage genotypes (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.)
In the scope of cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.) breeding program the responsiveness of new donor genotypes to haploid embryogenesis was tested. Microspores were isolated from flower buds of donor plants, which were then cultivated on NLN medium, with and without the addition of 0. 02 % active charcoal. After 33 days, the embryos were counted. Charcoal had no statistically significant effect on embryo induction but embryos were more vigorous with higher germination efficiency. For three genotypes the embryo yield was higher than 50 embryos per petri dish, while the other five genotypes had lower number of embryos (11.4-39.0 per petri dish). The next step was either direct inoculation of embryos to the B5 regeneration medium or treatment of embryos with abscisic acid and desiccation before the inoculation to B5 medium. The percentage of regenerated embryos without ABA treatment was 23.8 – 46.0 %. The embryos with ABA treatment acheived higher germination percentage (37.0 % - 73.3 %) followed by normal plantlet development. From the total number of 671 regenerated plants analysed with flow cytometry, 275 plants (41 %) were dubled haploids. 98 % of dubled haploids were successfully acclimatized. In order to optimize the micropropagation and clone reproduction of already obtained lines from previous breeding experiments, nine inbred lines we inoculated to MS medium with different concentrations of hormones. The highest number of shoots were achieved on MS medium with 2 mg/l of IBA and 3 mg/l of BAP. The shoots were then transplanted to rooting medium. The percentage of rooting was between 50 % and 78 %. Rooting was induced on half-strength MS hormone free medium. The healthy and rooted regenerants were then planted in the green house, where the acclimatization rate was 97 %.

Keywords:plant breeding, cabbage, microspore culture, haploid induction, micropropagation, hybrids

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