
Uporaba genskih testov v rejskih organizacijah ameriških quarter konj
ID Vašcer, Marko (Author), ID Dovč, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 1AE795C3ADA716133920FC503CADB280
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/c6f20c03-4f03-4b81-8b52-a32e0040597e

Cilj diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti uporabo genskih testov v rejske namene pri rejskih združenjih, ki vodijo registre za pasmo ameriški quarter konj. V diplomskem delu smo se osredotočili na 6 najpogostejših genskih bolezni za katere se opravljajo testiranja, njihove klinične znake, mehanizem delovanja in vzroke za obolelost ter posledice in možnosti zdravljenja. Za primerjavo v aktivnostih, povezanih z genskimi boleznimi smo uporabili največje, matično združenje v ZDA, največjo evropsko podružnico v Nemčiji in pa podružnico v Sloveniji. Preverili smo stanje v pasmi in ukrepe, ki jih posamezne države uvajajo, da bi preprečile nenadzorovano širjenje genskih bolezni. Ugotovili smo, da velik delež populacije nosi gene, ki povzročajo obolenja, še posebej je to pogosto v strogo selekcioniranih tekmovalnih podskupinah. Rejska združenja se po večini zavedajo tveganja in poskušajo težave odpraviti, vendar ne dovolj temeljito, kar je morda posledica težavne implementacije obveznega testiranja in izvajanje selekcije pri pasmi, ki šteje več milijonov konj.

Keywords:konjereja, konji, pasme, ameriški quarter konj, genetika, genski testi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95696 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:3964552 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2017
VAŠCER, Marko, 2017, Uporaba genskih testov v rejskih organizacijah ameriških quarter konj [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 27 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Use of genetic testing in breed organizations of american quarter horses
The aim of B. Sc. Thesis was to survey the use of genetic tests for breeding purposes in the breeding associations which maintain registries for American Quarter Horses. We focused on the six most common genetic diseases for which testing is available, their clinical signs, known causes, consequences and treatment options. For the purpose of comparion of their respective regulations, the main association in the USA, the largest European Affiliate in Germany and the Slovenian Affiliate were used. We checked the state of the breed and the measures taken by the individual associations to prevent the uncontrolled spreading of the genetic diseases in the population. A large part of the population carries genes that cause diseases, especially subpopulations of horses in highly specialized competition disciplines. Breed associations are mostly aware of the risks and are trying to find solutions to the problem, but not thoroughly, which might be because of difficult implementation of mandatory testing and selecion in the breed that counts several million horses.

Keywords:horse breeding, horses, breeds, American Quarter Horses, genetics, genetic testing

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