
Sorpcijske lastnosti termično modificiranega lesa obdelanega z metilmetakrilatom
ID Žitko, Samo (Author), ID Lesar, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 7CC89D316AB145DB8921A04CA0D32D30
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/3f32dddd-0526-48cb-9014-3e6ffcb6f2b0

Naravni material, kot je les se v današnjem času vse bolj uporablja v gradbene namene. Zaradi njegove splošne uporabnosti, njegovih lastnosti in vse bolj ekološke osveščenosti, lesu raste popularnost. Žal vse vrste niso dovolj odporne, zato je potrebno manj odporne vrste dodatno zaščititi. V našem eksperimentu smo uporabili manj odporno drevesno vrsto in sicer smrekovino. Smrekovino smo najprej termično modificirali, postopek modifikacije je potekal pri temperaturah 210 °C in 230 °C. Nato smo termo modificirano smrekovino dodatno obdelali z metilmetakrilatom (MMA). Obdelali smo jih po treh različnih postopkih, z različnimi koncentracijami MMA z in brez dodanega inhibitorja. Spremenljivke v postopkih obdelave so bile čas, temperatura, tlak in podtlak. Preučevali smo vpliv termične modifikacije, način impregnacije in koncentracijo MMA na navzem vode, vodne pare in sorpcijske lastnosti lesa. Znano je, da termična modifikacija v večji meri vpliva na izgubo mase vzorcev in s tem poslabšanje mehanskih lastnosti lesa. Vendar pa pozitivno vpliva na odpornost proti glivam, insektom in vremenskim vplivom. Obdelava z MMA nekoliko zniža navzemanje vode in povečuje hidrofobnost obdelanega lesa, med tem ko na navzem vodne pare MMA nima vpliva.

Keywords:zaščita lesa, termično modificiran les, MMA
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[S. Žitko]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95673 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:2813321 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2017
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Natural material such as wood is today increasingly used in structural applications. Because of its general applicability, its properties and more ecological awareness, the popularity of timber is growing. Unfortunately, all the wood species are not sufficiently resistant, and therefore less resistant species require additional protection. In our experiment we use less resistant spruce. Samples were first thermally modified, the process of modification was held at temperatures of 210 °C and 230 °C. Than samples were treated with the methyl methacrylate (MMA). We impregnated after three different procedures, with different concentrations of MMA with and without inhibitor. The variables in the procedures of impregnation were time, temperature and pressure. The influence of thermal modification, the method of impregnation and concentration of MMA on the water absorption, water vapour and sorption properties of treated wood were studied. It is known that thermal modification has a greater degree of influence on the mass loss of the samples and thus the deterioration of the mechanical properties of wood. However, it has got a positive effect on the resistance against fungi, insects and weather influence. The treatment with MMA slightly reduces absorption of water and increase the hydrophobicity of the treated wood, while it has no influence on the absorption of water vapour.

Keywords:wood protection, modification wood, MMA

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