
Zaščita lesa pred UV-svetlobo s titanovim dioksidom in premazi
ID Križan, Jernej (Author), ID Petrič, Marko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 5C85348F5A71E0D6B461AA7FC0A3816D
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/f9905238-27b3-44fd-af1d-6a8503d23e3a

Ultravijolična (UV) svetloba negativno vpliva na obstojnost lesa. Posledično je za boljšo obstojnost treba les zaščititi. Na lignin, sestavino, ki najbolj vpliva na barvo lesa, fotodegradacijski učinki vplivajo najbolj. Za zaščito lesa pred UV-svetlobo uporabljamo tudi nanodelce titanovega dioksida. V raziskavi smo izvedli depozicijo titanovega dioksida na smrekov les in termično modificiran smrekov les. Prisotnost delcev TiO2 na površini lesa smo potrdili z analizo z vrstičnim elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM). Preskušance smo nato premazali s komercialnim pripravkom na osnovi naravnih olj, namenjenim zaščiti lesa na prostem. Vzorce smo izpostavili UV-svetlobi in merili barvo in sijaj. V času 14-dnevnega merjenja smo ugotovili, da se je kot barvno najbolj stabilen izkazal termično modificiran les z depoziti titanovega dioksida ter les, ki je bil premazan z oljem, najslabše pa navaden smrekov les, brez depozitov in olja. Delci titanovega dioksida na termično modificiranem smrekovem lesu izboljšajo odpornost proti UV-svetlobi, medtem ko omenjeni nanodelci v kombinaciji z oljem na navadnem smrekovem lesu ne pokažejo učinka zaščite. Kontaktni kot vode je večji pri preskušancih z oljem. Navzem vode se z zaščito s titanovim dioksidom in oljem zmanjša.

Keywords:zaščita/UV-svetloba/titanov dioksid/sprememba barve
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[J. Križan]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95621 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:2803337 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Protection of wood against UV-light with titanium dioxide and coatings
Ultraviolet (UV) light has a negative influence on durability of wood. In order to increase durability of wood, it should be protected. Lignin, that is the component of wood with the most important influence on its colour, is highly susceptible to photo degradation. Wood can be protected against UV-light also Norway spruce wood and on thermally modified Norway spruce wood was performed. The presence of TiO2 particles on wood was confirmed with the SEM analysis. The specimens were subsequently coated with a commercial oil-based product for protection of wood in exterior. The samples were exposed to UV-light and colour and gloss were measured. During 14-day long exposure it was found, that in terms of colour changes the most stable was thermally modified Norway spruce wood with the deposits of TiO2, and wood with a surface film of the cured oil. The worst colour stability was exhibited by non-modified Norway spruce wood. The results showed that particles of titanium dioxide on thermally modified spruce wood increase its resistance against UV-light, while the TiO2 particles in a combination with the oil did not provide protection against UV-light. Contact angles of water were higher on the specimens with oiled surfaces. Up take of water into wood is decreased by protection with titanium dioxide and oil.

Keywords:protection/UV-light/titanium dioxide/color change

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