
Pomen inženirskih parametrov pri gojenju filamentoznih mikroorganizmov v bioreaktorju
ID Ziherl, Matic (Author), ID Podgornik, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: A3A2293178A49FE928483298926105F0
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/85e64734-45c8-42c8-882e-8e8fea0193ec

Filamentozni organizmi so pomembni industrijski mikrooorganizmi zaradi njihove izjemne sposobnosti proizvodnje in izločanja produktov. Morfologija filamentoznih organizmov v submerznih kultivacijah je predmet posebnega pomena, predvsem zaradi vpliva, ki ga ima na produktivnost procesa. Razumevanje kompleksnih medsebojnih povezav med morfologijo in pogoji v bioreaktorju je osnova za uspešno načrtovanje bioprocesa. Iz inženirskega stališča je vpliv glivne morfologije na reologijo kulture najpomembnejši vidik. Morfologija filamentoznih gliv, ki se razvijajo v kateremkoli fermentacijskem sistemu, je posledica različnih, medsebojno odvisnih vplivov in torej predstavlja ravnovesje med silami kohezije in dezintegracije. Znano je, da je za tvorbo nekaterih metabolitov (predvsem sekundarnih) potrebna specifična oblika rasti. Oblike, ki se pojavljajo, lahko segajo od prosto rastočega micelija pa vse do prepletenih skupkov in gostih krožnih peletov. V delu so opisani vplivi rastnih parametrov kot so tip in koncentracija inokuluma, sestava medija, pH vrednost, temperatura, mešanje in prezračevanje ter sodobni načini inženiringa filamentozne rasti z dodajanjem mikrodelcev v kultivacijsko brozgo. Povzeti so tudi načini karakterizacije morfologije v bioprocesih in reološki modeli za opis stanja kultivacijske brozge.

Keywords:industrijska biotehnologija, bioprocesno inženirstvo, reologija, karakterizacija morfologije
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[M. Ziherl]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95616 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8813177 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Importance of engineering parameters for cultivation of filamentous microorganisms in a bioreactor
Filamentous organisms are important industrially used microorganisms due to their exceptional production and secretion capacities. The morphology of filamentous organisms in submerged cultivations is of special importance mainly because of the impact on process productivity. The understanding of complex interconnections between morphology and bioreactor conditions is basic for a successful bioprocess design. From the engineering point of view the effect of morphological form on broth rheology is the most important aspect. Morphology of filamentous fungi which is developing in any fermentation system can be considered as a final result of various influences, an equilibrium between forces of cohesion and disintegration. It is well known that a specific growth form is required for optimal production of certain metabolites (especially secondary). The forms that are occurring can differ from freely dispersed mycelium to interwined clumps and dense spherical pellets. Cultivation parameters such as type and concentration of inoculum, media composition, pH value, temperature, agitation, aeration and novel methods of filamentous growth engineering by addition of microparticles in cultivation broth were studied in this work. In addition, the methods for characterization of morphology in fermentation systems and rheological models to evaluate the state of fermentation broths are summarized.

Keywords:industrial biotechnology, bioprocess engineering, rheology, characterization of morphology

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