
Izločanje nezaželenih snovi v kmetijskih rastlinah z biotehnološkimi postopki
ID Čufer, Sebastian (Author), ID Bohanec, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/03d27753-cd4d-4e18-9801-500c4c9528e2

Nezaželene snovi v hrani, denimo alergeni in toksini, so nam poznani že dlje časa. Število ljudi, ki so nagnjeni k alergijam na hrano, iz leta v leto narašča. Zato smo se s časom določene hrane naučili izogibati ali jo procesirati na določene načine, da nam je postala užitna in smo se tako izognili alergijskim reakcijam ter drugim nevšečnostim. Da se izognemo tveganju, smo do nedavnega izvajali tudi izboljšave rastlin s selektivnim križanjem in mutacijami ter na ta način iskali sorto, ki bi morda ustrezala zastavljenim ciljem. V sodobnem času to rešujemo drugače, denimo z novimi biotehnološkimi metodami, ki nam omogočajo modifikacijo specifične regije v genomu. Z njimi lahko nezaželene snovi izločimo, tako da izločimo njihov gen ali pa preprečimo njegovo transkripcijo. Z RNAi metodo je znanstvenikom uspelo doseči kar nekaj prepričljivih rezultatov, vendar so zaradi boljše učinkovitosti, nižje cene in predvidene lažje sprejemljivosti v javnosti, danes v ospredju metode ZFN, TALEN in CRISPR/Cas9. Primerov izločitev nezaželenih snovi s temi metodami je manj, vseeno pa obstaja kar nekaj prepričljivih dosežkov izzvane tarčne modifikacije. Omenjena je tudi problematika GSO po svetu. Predvidevam, da se bo v prihodnosti uporaba biotehnoloških metod zaradi efektivnosti še povečala, genski inženiring pa bo kmalu bolje sprejet tudi s strani javnosti.

Keywords:kmetijske rastline, žlahtnjenje rastlin, genske transformacije, biotehnološki postopki, alergeni, toksini, gensko spremenjeni organizmi
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[S. Čufer]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95591 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8786553 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Elimination of unwanted substances from agricultural plants with biotechnological methods
Nondesired substances in food such as allergens and toxins have been known to us for many years. The number of people that are prone to allergies of certain foods is increasing from year to year. Therefore, we have learnt to avoid or to process them in certain ways in order to prevent allergic reactions and other inconveniences. Until recently the improvements of plants with selective breeding and mutations and searching for an appropriate variety was also in progress. Nowadays this is solved by new biotechnological methods which allow us to mutate specific region in the genome. These methods eliminate unwanted substances with elimination of their gene or prevention of transcription. With RNAi method scientists in this field managed to reach quite a few impressive accomplishments, but nowadays ZFN, TALEN and CRISPR/Cas9 methods are becoming more popular because of better effectiveness, lower prices and desired public acceptance. Scientists managed to make some impressive achievements of induced target mutagenesis. We assume that in the future the use of genetic engineering will increase because of its effectiveness and genetic engineering will soon become better accepted by general public.

Keywords:agricultural plants, plant breeding, genetic transformation, biotechnological processes, allergens, toxins, genetically modified organisms

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