
Zakonska zaščita novih sort kmetijskih rastlin v luči novega tolmačenja patentne zakonodaje v Evropi
ID Štibilj, Andraž (Author), ID Bohanec, Borut (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 075D47E68C4B7F865ABD9F089B2B0CC2
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/8838624d-5b42-49a3-92dc-46b7dc067226

Patent je ekskluzivna pravica, ki je dodeljena lastniku izuma za določen čas. V letu 2015, je bila prvič v Evropski zgodovini, ta pravica dodeljena klasično žlahtnjeni rastlini. Pred tem so se patenti dodeljevali zgolj gensko modificiranim rastlinam, saj je bilo za klasično žlahtnjenje smatrano, da gre za v osnovi biološki proces, ki jih po evropski patentni zakonodaji ni mogoče patentirati. Ta odločitev razširjenega odbora za pritožbe Evropskega patentnega urada, je sprožila burno razpravo v javnosti. Porajajo se vprašanja kako bo ta odločitev vplivala na prihodnost evropskega kmetijstva, ter na sami žlahtniteljsko in semenarsko industrijo. Letni promet samo za prodajo semen in sadik, po oceni, za Evropsko Unijo znaša kar sedem milijard evrov. Ključna razlika pri patentni zaščiti je pomanjkanje sistema podobnega tako imenovani žlahtniteljevi izjemi, s katero je bil omogočen enostaven dostop do genskega materiala vsem zainteresiranim stranem. Na ta način je razvoj novih sort, bolj rodovitnih in odpornejših proti boleznim, potekal hitreje. Strah obstaja, da bi se z novim interpretiranjem Evropske patentne zakonodaje, bistveno zmanjšala konkurenca, oziroma da bi se cene semen in posledično tudi hrane lahko močno zvišale.

Keywords:nove sorte, patentna zaščita, žlahtniteljeva pravica, žlahtniteljeva izjema
Work type:Diploma project paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[A. Štibilj]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95589 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8786297 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Legal protection of new plant varieties in the light of new interpretation of patent laws in europe
A patent is an exclusive right that is granted to the patent owner for a limited period of time. In 2015, it was the first time in European history, that this right was granted to the classically bred plant. Previously, patents were allocated only to genetically modified plants, because classical breeding was regarded as an essentially biological process which according to European patent law can not be patented. This decision of the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office has launched a stormy debate in public. It raises the question how this decision will affect the future of European agriculture, as well as plant breeding and seed industry's future. Annual income only for the sale of seeds and seedlings, by assessment for the European Union amounts to seven billion euros. The key issue in patent protection is the lack of so-called breeders' exemption, which enabled easy access to the genetic material to all interested parties. In this way, the development of new varieties, more fertile and more resistant to diseases was accelerated. Fear exists that with new interpretation of the European patent law, competition can be substantially reduced, and that prices of seeds and consequently the food can be greatly increased.

Keywords:new varieties, patent protection, plant breeders' rights, breeders' exemption

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