
Lasersko varjenje aluminija in aluminijevih zlitin
ID Plahutnik, Peter (Author), ID Klobčar, Damjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 5598DF46CC80C1473E345681B299FEBD
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/0d17c83d-9943-4d70-9a19-643d566b073e

Aluminij in njegove zlitine so v današnjih časih zelo aktualne zaradi dobrega razmerja med trdnostjo in težo. Lasersko varjenje omogoča nekaj prednosti v primerjavi z ostalimi konvencionalnimi postopki spajanja materialov, kljub vsemu pa ostaja velik izziv, saj je zanesljivost laserskega varjenja aluminijevih zlitin manjša kot pri ostalih industrijskih kovinah. V nalogi sem detajlneje pregledal načine laserskega varjenja aluminijevih zlitin s pomočjo tujih in domačih virov. Prav tako sem preučil težave s katerimi se soočamo pri varjenju aluminijevih zlitin in pogoste napake, ki vplivajo na kakovost zvara. V nadaljevanju sem podal še lastnosti aluminijevih zlitin po procesu varjenja. Velika slabost je visoka toplotna prevodnost. Potrebna je višja laserska energija kot za ostale zlitine. Druga pomembna težava pri varjenju aluminija je njegova reflektivnost, tretji pomembni faktor, ki vpliva na slabo varivost aluminija pa je nizka viskoznost vara. Pri varjenju aluminijevih zlitin se lahko pojavijo različne napake, ki zmanjšajo kakovost zvara. Velike penetracije težko dosežemo zaradi slabe zmožnosti absorbiranja. Prisotna je oksidacija zvara zaradi slabe zaščite pred plini, plinska poroznost zaradi ujetih plinov pri strjevanju in pa razpoke kot posledica visokega koeficienta razteznosti. Zelo malo je podatkov o korozijskem obnašanju laserskih zvarov aluminijevih zlitin.

Keywords:laser aluminij in aluminijeve zlitine lasersko varjenje lastnosti vara napake pri varjenju
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95549 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Laser welding of aluminum and aluminum alloys
Aluminum and its alloys are very popular in today's time because of the good ratio between strength and weight. Laser welding offers some advantages compared to other conventional material bonding processes, but remains a major challenge, as the reliability of laser welding of aluminum alloys is lower than for other industrial metals. In this paper, I examined the methods of laser welding of aluminum alloys using foreign and domestic sources. I also studied the problems that we face during the welding of aluminum alloys and frequent defects that affect the quality of the weld. In the following, I also listed the properties of aluminum alloys after the welding process. A big weakness is high thermal conductivity. Higher laser energy is also required than for other alloys. Another important problem in aluminum welding is its reflectivity, and the third important factor affecting the low weldability of aluminum is the low viscosity of the weld. When welding aluminum alloys, there may be various errors that reduce the quality of the weld. Large penetrations are difficult to achieve due to poor absorption capacity. There are occurances of oxidation of welds due to poor protection against gases, gas porosity due to caught gases during curing, and cracks due to high expansion coefficient. Generally speaking, there is very little information on the corrosion behavior of laser welds of aluminum alloys.

Keywords:laser aluminum and aluminum alloys laser welding weld welding errors

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