
Razvoj aluminijaste sredice platišča formule student
ID Ratek, Timotej (Author), ID Vukašinović, Nikola (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Tavčar, Jože (Comentor)

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MD5: 415EE5E25AD34C34382F6B7751281677
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/1b817b61-dd3a-4115-aec4-e9eabf8d41d8
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MD5: 424119AA82ED238A1979F79C57854B1D
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/d2eea3cf-4ba8-4b63-9c86-890af88b7288

Maso vozila delimo na vzmeteno in nevzmeteno maso. Poleg doprinosa k skupni masi, nevzmetena masa vpliva tudi na odzivnost vzmetenja. Manjša nevzmetena masa, pomeni boljšo odzivnost vzmetenja, ki bo bolje sledilo nepravilnostim vozne podlage. Enakomernejše normalne obremenitve pnevmatike prinesejo boljši oprijem vozila, vozne lastnosti se tako izboljšajo. Z namenom izboljšanja rezultatov formule student Univerze Ljubljana na dinamičnih preizkušnjah, smo razvili lažjo aluminijasto sredico platišča iz ogljikovih vlaken. Po izračunu obremenitev platišča, smo pripravili tridimenzionalni model sestava pnevmatike, plašča iz ogljikovih vlaken in aluminijaste sredice platišča v programskem orodju Solidworks. Izvedli smo numerično analizo začetne verzije sredice. Glede na pridobljene rezultate odziva na obremenitve, smo konstrukcijo prilagodili in izvedli ponovno numerično analizo. Izvedli smo več iteracij numeričnih analiz in prilagoditev. Končni rezultat je aluminijasta sredica, ki prenese obremenitve ekstremnih manevrov formule, ima pa 50% nižjo težo od predhodne verzije.

Keywords:nevzmetena masa Formula Student platišče obremenitve razvoj
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95545 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Title:Development of formula student rim center
The mass of the vehicle is divided to unsprung and sprung mass. In addition to the contribution to the total weight, the unsprung mass also influences the response of the suspension. Smaller unsprung mass equals to better responsiveness of the suspension, which will contribute to better adaption to the irregularities of the driving surface. The more uniform distribution of normal load on the tire results in better grip of the vehicle, and furthermore, in improved driving characteristics. In order to improve the results in dynamic trials of Formula Student University of Ljubljana, we developed a lightweight aluminum core of a carbon fiber rim. After calculating the load on the rim, we prepared a three-dimensional model for the tire, carbon fiber coating and aluminium alloy rims in the Solidworks software tool. Next we performed a numerical analysis of the initial version of the lightweight aluminium core. Depending on the obtained results of the load response, the construction was adjusted and a re-numerical analysis was carried out. We preformed several iterations of numerical analyzes and adjustments. As a consequence, the final result is an aluminium core that transfers the load of extreme maneuvers of the formula while it weighs 50% less than the previous version.

Keywords:unsprung mass Formula Student rim load development

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