
Vizualizacija fuzijskih podatkovnih struktur za simulacije robne plasti plazme
ID Penko, Dejan (Author), ID Kos, Leon (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 18707D4D07558F19EB3A9AAA1E88E748
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/3e7e9568-25fd-4f69-bec5-5b766394e559

V simulacijah plasti postrgane plazme (SOL) z B2-EIRENE oziroma SOLPS (Scrape-Off Layer Plasma Simulations) se pojavlja veliko število vhodnih parametrov, možnih kombinacij ionskih delcev, atomskih procesov in interakcij med plazmo in steno. Simulacije SOLPS se izvajajo na superračunalnikih v uporabniških imenikih in se lahko shranjujejo tudi v podatkovne baze MDSPLUS ali pretvorijo za zapis v fuzijske podatkovne baze s predpisanimi strukturami za integrirano modeliranje (EUROfusion CPO ali ITER IDS). To magistrsko delo raziskuje podatkovno strukturo EUROfusion CPO in ITER IDS ter pridobljene informacije uporabi za pripravo primernih orodij za transformacijo podatkov iz CPO v IDS ter izdelavo vtičnika in nadgradenj splošno-namenskega vizualizacijskega orodja ParaView, ki bo omogočal primerjalne analize rezultatov simulacij SOLPS. Nenazadnje je bila nadgrajena koda SOLPS-ITER, ki omogoča zapis edge_profiles IDS-jev v podatkovno bazo IMAS in tako nudi nabor orodij za okolje integriranega modeliranja.

Keywords:ITER Data Model, Consistent Physical Object CPO, Interface Data Structure IDS, Integrated Modeling and Analysis Suite IMAS, General Grid Description GGD, edge_profiles, ParaView ReadUALEdge, SOLPS, SOL, fuzija, rob plazme
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95506 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Title:Visualisation of Fusion Data-Structures for Scrape-Off Layer Plasma Simulations
In Scrape-Off Layer Plasma Simulations (SOLPS) with B2-EIRENE there are many input parameters, possible combinations of ion particles, atomic processes, and interactions between the edge plasma and the core boundary and plasma-facing components. The SOLPS are carried out on a cluster in a user directory and can be stored in the MDSPLUS database or can be converted to a "record" in fusion databases with prescribed structures for integrated modeling (EUROfusion CPO or ITER IDS). This thesis investigates the data structure of EUROfusion CPO and ITER IDS and uses gathered information to create appropriate tools for data transformation from CPO to IDS together with plugins and upgrades for general purpose visualization tool ParaView which allows comparative analysis of SOLPS output results. Finally, the SOLPS-ITER code is upgraded to write edge_profiles IDS into IMAS database providing a required set of tools for in integrated modeling framework.

Keywords:ITER Data Model, Consistent Physical Object CPO, Interface Data Structure IDS, Integrated Modeling and Analysis Suite IMAS, General Grid Description GGD, edge_profiles, ParaView, ReadUALEdge, SOLPS, SOL, fusion, edge plasma

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