
Vibroizolacija potresno ogroženih konstrukcij
ID Zalaznik, Rok (Author), ID Boltežar, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Čepon, Gregor (Comentor)

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MD5: C384FD42AE636CE8724ED65562A5A6EA
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/fe629994-c1d8-4d54-b0e0-2024f81e67f5

V delu se želimo spoznati z negativnimi vplivi potresov na infrastrukturo, druge zgradbe ter posledično tudi na nas. S tem znanjem želimo preprečiti ali vsaj zmanjšati negativne posledice potresov, od velikih finančnih in ekonomskih izgub do v najhujšem primeru nesreč s smrtnimi izidi. V uvodu se posvetimo razumevanju potresov, njihovega nastanka, spoznavanju seizmičnih valovanj, njihovega širjenja, itd. V nadaljevanju se posvetimo največjemu problemu, to je prenos energije preko seizmičnih valov na zgradbe, ki zaradi tega oscilirajo. To osciliranje zgradb je odgovorno za vse morebitne negativne posledice zato pozornost od tu naprej preusmerimo na preučevanje protipotresnih rešitev in primere njihove uporabe. V eksperimentalnem delu želimo na teoretičnem primeru videti kakšno umiritev nihanja lahko dosežemo z enostavnim primerom masnega blažilnika. Obravnavan masni blažilnik se je izkazal za precej slabega. Grafični rezultat uporabe masnega blažilnika v Mathematici je sicer prikazal znižanje osciliranja zgradbe v primerjavi s primerom brez uporabe blažilnika vendar je bilo to znižanje skoraj zanemarljivo. Do omembe vrednega znižanja oscilacije je prišlo šele ko smo predpostavili nerealistično in neizvedljivo maso blažilnika (10x do 100x višja od tistih v realni uporabi).

Keywords:potres seizmični valovi vibroizolacija masni blažilnik nihanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95500 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Vibroisolation of seismically effected structures
In this paper, the analysis regarding the negative impacts of earthquakes on infrastructures, other buildings and consequently on us is presented. With this knowledge we want to prevent or at least reduce the negative effects of earthquakes, from financial and economic losses to fatalities in the worst case scenario. In the introduction, we focus our attention to the understanding of earthquakes, their source, to the understanding of seismic waves and their spreading, etc. After that we focus on the biggest problem, which is the transfer of energy through seismic waves to the buildings, which cause oscillation. Oscillation is responsible for every negative effect, therefore our attention from here on is directed to earthquake engineering and it's use. In the experimental part, we want to analize what kind of oscillation reduction can be achieved with a simple example of a tuned mass damper. The results given by the analysis were rather dissapointing. The graphical results of the use of the mass damper showed a decrease in the oscillation, but the reduction was almost negligible. A noteworthy reduction in oscillation occurred only when we increased the mass of the damper to unrealistic numbers.

Keywords:earthquake Seismic waves vibroisolation mass damper oscillation

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