
Električno krmiljen hidravlični valj teleskopa žerjava
ID Nared, Tine (Author), ID Majdič, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/acf0b99e-3d64-451b-8188-94a1b636f169

Za povečanje dosega manipulacije bremen nakladalni žerjavi uporabljajo teleskopske dvižne roke. Ena izmed glavnih komponent dvižne roke je hidravlični valj, ki omogoča izvlačenje in pospravljanje enega ali več teleskopov hkrati. Valji so znotraj ali zunaj teleskopske dvižne roke postavljeni zaporedno. Ti so preko hidravličnih gibkih cevi vezani na hidravlični sistem. Zaradi spreminjanja dosega teleskopske roke se spreminja tudi razdalja med posameznimi valji, zato je potrebno gibke cevi zaradi nenehnega zvijanja in raztezanja še dodatno urejeno voditi. To pa predstavlja težave tudi z vidika vzdržljivosti. Naloga predstavlja zasnovo električno krmiljenega hidravličnega valja (HV) za teleskop nakladalnega žerjava. Zasnovani HV omogoča neprekinjen dotok olja za zaporedno vezavo dveh ali več valjev teleskopa. Največji tlak znotraj hidravličnega valja znaša 30 MPa, največji volumenski pretok olja na vstopu v valj pa znaša 40 l/min. Krmiljenje valja je električno. V nadaljevanju so izvedeni numerični preračuni toka kapljevine skozi valj. Na podlagi izračunov so bili predlagane izboljšave prototipa hidravličnega valja.

Keywords:žerjavi, teleskopski valji, kartušni ventili, tesnjenje, votle batnice, padec tlaka
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95477 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Electric control of cylinder for crane telescopic boom
In order to increase the outreach for handling the load, loading cranes use the telescopic boom system. One of the main components of the boom system is a hydraulic cylinder, which provides extraction and putting away one or more telescopes simultaneously. The cylinders inside or outside of the telescopic extension are placed sequentially. They are connected to the hydraulic system via hydraulic flexible hoses. Along with changing the outreach of the telescopic extension the distance between individual cylinders changes as well, so the flexible hoses need to be additionally guided because of constant twisting and extending. This also presents a problem in terms of endurance. The purpose of this diploma paper is designing the electrically controlled cylinder for crane telescopic boom. It must provide a smooth oil flow for sequential connection of two or more cylinders of the telescope. The maximum pressure within the hydraulic cylinder amounts to 30 MPa and the maximum volume flow rate of oil at the cylinder inlet amounts to 40 l/min. The steering of the cylinder should be electric. The numerical calculations of the liquid flow through the cylinder must be done. The results obtained are to be analysed. Based on the calculations improvements of the hydraulic telescope prototype are to be suggested.

Keywords:hydraulic cranes, telescopic hydraulic cylinders, cartridge valves, hydraulic sealing, hollow hydraulic cylinder piston rods, pressure drops

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