
Modeliranje transporta sedimentov v plitvi akumulaciji za oceno vpliva sedimentov na njeno sposobnost zadrževanja visokih voda : magistrsko delo
ID Kračun, Miha (Author), ID Steinman, Franc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Banovec, Primož (Comentor), ID Rak, Gašper (Comentor)

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Izgradnja pregradnih objektov na vodotokih povzroča hidromorfološke spremembe na rečnem sistemu. Na vodnih akumulacijah se zaradi zadrževanja visokih voda spremeni odtočni režim kakor tudi dinamika premeščanja plavin. Sedimenti se v odvisnosti hidrodinamičnih pogojev odlagajo in erodirajo na območju akumulacijskega bazena in s tem povročajo morfološke spremembe dna, ki vplivajo na volumen akumulacije. Morfološke spremembe – predvsem zaponjevanje akumulacijskih volumnov s sedimenti – povzročajo vplive na izvajanje namenskih rab na akumulacijah. V nalogi so predstavljena teoretična izhodišča upravljanja večnamenskih akumulacij, premeščanja plavin in metod analize morfoloških sprememb na akumulacijah.V praktičnem delu naloge smo za območje večnamenske plitve akumulacije Pernica I na podlagi obstoječih hidroloških, topografskih in podatkov o lastnostih sedimenta izdelali statično analizo sprememb volumna akumulacije z uporabo GIS programskih orodij ter v drugem delu dinamično analizo spreminjanja morfologije dna z uporabo dvorazsežnostnega hidravlično matematičnega modela morfoloških sprememb. Na podlagi umerjenega morfološkega modela smo simulirali morfološke spremembe dna do leta 2020 ter njihov vpliv na primarno namembnost akumulacije – zadrževanje visokih voda.

Keywords:sedimentacija, hidravlično modeliranje, GIS, MIKE 21C, modeliranje morfoloških sprememb, večnamenske akumulacije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[M. Kračun]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95439 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:8205921 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Modelling the transport of sediments in a shallow reservoir for assessing the impact on high water capacity : Master thesis
The construction of barrier structures on the watercourses causes hydro morphological changes in the river system. Water reservoirs due to the retention of high waters change the drainage regime as well as the dynamics of sediment transport. Sediments are as a function of hydrodynamic conditions deposited and eroded in the area of the reservoir and cause morphological changes in the reservoir batimetry. Morphological changes - especially the accumulation of sediments - have many effects on the implementation of dedicated uses on reservoirs. The paper presents the theoretical foundations of the management on multi-purpose reservoirs, sediment transport and a description of methods for analysis of morphological changes in reservoirs. The practical part of the thesis was to analyse a multipurpose shallow reservoir Pernica I based on of existing hydrological, topographical and sediment characteristics. Firstly a static analysis of changes in volume of the reservoir using GIS software tools was made and secondly a dynamic analysis of the changing morphology of the reservoir bathimetry with using a two-dimensional hydraulic mathematical model of morphological changes. Based on the calibrated morphological model a simulation of morphological changes untill 2020 and their impact on the primary purpose of reservoir (floodwater retention) was simulated.

Keywords:sedimentation, hydraulic modelling, GIS, MIKE 21C, modelling of morphological changes, reservoirs

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