
Več kombinacij-nič ostanka
ID Grčman, Katja (Author), ID Fajt, Elena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 8EF0002F4458A4CF26216509152B16DB
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/3f602c4d-47ee-46be-9745-bbf70deffd54

Živimo v času, ko se družba srečuje s posledicami nepremišljenega ravnanja predhodnih generacij. Brezbrižnost tekstilne industrije in neodgovorno ravnanje potrošnikov pušča močan negativen vpliv tako na okolje kot tudi na socialne razmere v družbi. Postali smo potrošniška družba, ki ima namesto sočutja, skrbi za okolje in soljudi močneje izraženo čustveno komponento nakupovanja. V teoretičnemu delu diplomske naloge sem raziskovala pojem trajnosti in njene principe v modnem sistemu. Osredotočila sem se na odpadek v modni industriji in s tem povezan princip krojenja brez odpadka. Tu sem raziskovala načine krojenja, ki omogočajo doseganje ničelnega odpadka in teoretične možnosti, ki bi omogočile doseči cilj. Poleg trajnostnih principov oblikovanja brez odpadka sem raziskovala tudi modularnost. Kaj sploh je modularnost oziroma na kakšen način je vpeljana v modno oblikovanje. Za konec sem predstavila izbor oblikovalcev, ki prakticirajo trajnostne principe oblikovanja brez odpadka ali modularnosti v svojem delu. V praktičnem delu sem predstavila razvoj in nastanek kolekcije De-kos in njeno nadaljevanje v kolekciji De-kos.2. Znanje, pridobljeno v teoretičnem delu, sem prenesla v razvoj modularnega sistema, ki mi je omogočil izdelavo oblačil in dodatkov iz več kombinacij in nič ostanka. Inspiracijo za razvoj kolekcije sem iskala v kubistični ideji razgradnje oblike na primarne elemente, ki so osnova za ustvarjanje. To idejo sem prenesla v princip krojenja, kjer osnovni kroj razpade na geometrične ploskve, iz katerih sem po principu modularnega sistema sestavljala oblačilne kose, nato pa idejo prenesla še v kolekcijo dodatkov. Nastala je kolekcija oblačil in dodatkov brez odpadka, sestavljena iz modularnih enot, ki omogočajo prilagajanje izdelkov uporabniku ali pa razstavljanje in sestavljanje novih.

Keywords:trajnost, brez odpadka, modularni sistem, sestavljanje, prilagajanje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95387 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
GRČMAN, Katja, 2017, Več kombinacij-nič ostanka [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:More combination-zero waste
Today's society is facing with the consequences of the previous generations' reckless behaviour. The textile industry indifference and irresposible behaviour result in the negative impact on the environment and on the social conditions. We have become a consumer society, which instead of compassion, environmentalism and how to care about the others, possesses a strongly expressed emotional component of shopping. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the term of the permanence and its principles in the fashion system and focuses on the fashion industry waste and zero waste fashion design. I have done research on the fashion design ways, which enable zero waste and on the theoretical possibilities which would make this goal achieveable. Besides the permanence principles of fashion design, I have done research on the modularity too, its meaning and the way it is introduced in the fashion design. I have concluded this part with the selection of the fashion designers, who apply permanence principles to their fasion design with zero waste or modularity by their work. The empirical part presents the development and the establishemnt of the De-kos collection and its continuation in the De-kos 2 collection. The knowledge gained in the theoretical part has been used and consequently a modularity system has been developed and it has enabled fashion and accessories design from several combinations and with zero waste. I was inspired for this collection by the cubist idea of the shape decomposition on the primary elements, which represent the basis for the work. The idea has been used with the fashion design principle, where the basic pattern falls apart into geometrical surfaces which served by the modularity principles as dressing parts. The idea has been used with the accessories collection too. A fashion and accessories collection with zero waste has been established, consisting of the modularity parts, which enable the adjustment of the products to the user or taking them to pieces and making new ones.

Keywords:sustainability, zero waste, modularity system, composition, adjustment

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