
Tipografija v mangah za najstnike
ID Filipič, Lucija (Author), ID Možina, Klementina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/fceaefd5-8a80-4268-aa9d-5b62dbd5bc4c

Tema tega diplomskega dela leži v področju tipografije. Glavni del je eksperimentalno delo, s katerim smo analizirali najbolj uporabljene pisave v mangah, njihovo medsebojno podobnost ter vpliv različnih žanrov in popularnosti na število uporabljenih pisav. Na začetku sta jedrnato predstavljeni manga ter osnovna delitev skupin pisav oz. črkovnih slogov, čemur sledi eksperimentalni del. Poglavitni namen tega diplomskskega dela je bil (1) ugotoviti, ali so najbolj uporabljene oz. glavne pisave linearne pisave. Preostala cilja sta bila še: (2) ugotoviti, ali so si glavne pisave podobne, in (3) ugotoviti, ali žanr in popularnost vplivata na število uporabljenih pisav. Vse mange, ki so bile uporabljene v eksperimentalnem delu, so bile izbrane z ene spletne strani. Spadajo pod glavne žanre, namenjene najstnikom (shounen, seinen in shojo), pri čemer smo upoštevali razliko v popularnosti ter čas njihovega izhajanja (za verodostojnost smo za kriterij določili, da morajo mange izhajati vsaj dve leti ali da so se že končale). Po analizi izbranih primerov mang so bile glavne pisave identificirane oz. njihove karakteristike opisane, primerjali pa smo tudi število vseh uporabljenih pisav glede na njihov žanr, tematiko in popularnost. Iz rezultatov je razvidno, da so najbolj uporabljene pisave linearne, kar je še posebno vidno pri zelo popularnih mangah. Bolj kot tematika ali žanr pa na število glavnih uporabljenih pisav vpliva popularnost mange.

Keywords:tipografija, pisava, manga, žanr
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95357 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Typography in manga for teenagers
The theme of this degree thesis is in the field of typography. The main part lies in the experimental work, in which the most used fonts in the manga have been analyzed by their similarity and the impact of different genres and popularity on the number of used fonts. Manga and the basic division of groups of fonts or lettering styles are presented in the first part, which is followed by the experimental part. The main purpose of the paper was (1) to determine whether linear fonts are the most used/main fonts in manga. Other objectives were: (2) to determine whether main fonts are similar, and (3) to determine whether the popularity or the genre does influence the number of used fonts. All manga were chosen from one site regarding there genre (shoujo, seinen and shounen) and under each genre a few manga were selected, taking into the account the difference in popularity. After an analysis of selected examples the main fonts were identified or their characteristics described and then compared to each other. We also compared the number of all used fonts in manga regarding their genre, theme and popularity. The results show that the most used fonts are indeed linear, which is especially visible in the very popular manga. More than theme or genre, the popularity of manga is what influences the number of main fonts the most.

Keywords:typography, font, manga, genre

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