
Načrtovanje in oblikovanje ekoloških embalaž
ID Rusjan, Maja (Author), ID Gregor Svetec, Diana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: DF9F0FFD6ECA7D0878EEA4426C859BE9
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/dce75826-72a0-4443-b7d1-cc752ec42597

Namen magistrskega dela je bil načrtovati in oblikovati tri ekološke embalaže, in sicer embalažo za kapučino, kornete in vatne blazinice. Pri tem smo upoštevali, da se pri izdelavi embalaže uporabi čim manj materiala, ki je ekološki, da bo embalaža funkcionalna, trdna in v kolikor je mogoče, tudi nadgrajena v večfunkcionalno in vizualno privlačno embalažo za potrošnika. Teoretični del vključuje opis embalaže in njene funkcije ter ekološko oblikovanje embalaže s primeri tovrstnih embalaž. Eksperimentalni del vsebuje opis uporabljenih materialov in preskuševalnih metod ter opis in prikaz načrtovanja ter oblikovanja posameznih embalaž. Sledijo rezultati z razpravo o lastnostih materialov in izbor materiala za izdelavo embalaže za izbrane izdelke. Prikazane so skice od začetnih idej do končnega izdelka, opisani so vmesni postopki načrtovanja in oblikovanja ter končni izdelek embalaže za kapučino, kornete in vatne blazinice. Na podlagi osnovnih, površinskih, strukturnih in mehanskih lastnosti kartonov so bili izbrani za izdelavo posamezne vrste embalaže kartoni, ki zagotavljajo primerno trdnost, stabilnost, imajo dobre barierne lastnosti in potiskljivost. Embalaža za kapučino je ekonomična, funkcionalna in v primerjavi z obstoječimi lažja, ima manjši volumen in manj je odpadne embalaže. Embalaža za kornete je prav tako ekonomična, za izdelavo se uporabi veliko manj materiala in zavzame veliko manj prostora kot obstoječe embalaže. Embalaža za vatne blazinice je večfunkcionalna. Vse tri embalaže izstopajo tudi z vizualno podobo. Rezultat magistrskega dela je drugačna, inovativna, vizualno privlačna, funkcionalna ekološka embalaža.

Keywords:ekološka embalaža, načrtovanje embalaže, oblikovanje embalaže, karton, lastnosti kartonov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95356 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Planning and design of ecological packaging
The purpose of the master's thesis was to plan and design three ecological packaging, namely packaging for cappuccino, cornets and cotton pads. In this regard, we took into consideration the fact that the use of as little material as possible in the production of packaging is used to ensure that the packaging is functional, solid and, as far as possible, also upgraded into a multifunctional and visually attractive packaging for the consumer. The theoretical part includes a description of the packaging and its functions and the ecological design of the packaging with examples of such packaging. The experimental part contains a description of the materials used and test methods and a description and presentation of planning and design of individual packages. The results are followed by a discussion of the properties of materials and a selection of packaging material for the selected products. The sketches from initial ideas to the final product are shown, intermediate design and design procedures and the final product of packaging for cappuccino, cornets and cotton pads are described. Based on the basic, surface, structural and mechanical properties of the cartons, the cartons have been selected for the manufacture of individual types of packaging, which provide adequate strength, stability, good barrier properties and printability. Packaging for cappuccino is economical, functional and compared to existing lighter, has a smaller volume and less packaging waste. Packaging for cornets is also economical, much less material is used for making and takes up much less space than existing packaging. Packaging for cotton pads is multifunctional. All three packages also stand out with a visual image. The result of the master's thesis is different, innovative, visually appealing, functional ecological packaging.

Keywords:ecological package, planning of the packaging, packaging design, cardboard, cardboard properties

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