
Analitična primerjava filmskih žanrov pri spremembi stilističnih elementov medija
ID Kompare, Rok (Author), ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/b7bf7189-ca92-4413-b5db-f7392888f4ac

Filmi dandanes predstavljajo velik del zabavne industrije. Ker so ljudje različni, so jim posledično všeč različni filmi, različne filmske zvrsti oziroma filmski žanri. Le te se nanašajo na strukturo stilističnih in narativnih elementov, ki gradijo filmsko formo medija. Kot primeri so: drama, akcija, grozljivka, komedija, znanstvena fantastika itd. Problem, s katerim se srečujejo režiserji je, kako in na kakšen način uprizoriti posamezno zgodbo, s katero tehniko pristopiti, kakšne barve uporabiti, kje posneti kadre, kakšno naj bi bilo gibanje kamere, katere posebne učinke uporabiti, kakšen zvok dodati ipd. Rezultat magistrskega dela je prikaz in analizira štirih parametrov, ki se pojavljajo skoraj v vsakem filmu. To so: barvna korekcija, gibanje kamere, posebni učinki ter glasba in zvok. V teoretičnem delu so bile raziskane možnosti zastavljenih parametrov, predstavljeni pa so bili tudi filmski žanri, ki so bili ključni za analizo raziskave. To so: akcija, drama, grozljivka, komedija in znanstvena fantastika. V eksperimentalnem delu je bilo raziskano, kako stilistični elementi vplivajo na gledalčevo oceno in ali je možno na podlagi enega parametra določiti žanr filma. Predstavljene so bile tudi vse tri faze izdelave: predprodukcija, produkcija in postprodukcija. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da čisto noben parameter, kot en sam, ni zadosten za pravilno določitev filmskega žanra. Enako tudi kombinacija barvne korekcije in gibanja kamere nista dovolj. Šele ko so bili vključeni vsaj trije parametri, so bili rezultati dobri (pri vseh videjih nad 60%). Prav tako je bila ovržena hipoteza, ki pravi da naj bi izmed vseh štirih parametrov glasba in zvok prinesla najboljše rezultate. Najbolj uspešen parameter je bil posebni učinek, kjer je bila pri vseh videjih presežena zlata sredina - 50%. Potrjeni pa sta bili hipotezi, ki pravita, da je iz tehničnega in ustvarjalskega vidika najmanj kompleksno izbrati zvok oziroma glasbo ter da se največ časa porabi pri izdelavi posebnih učinkov. Druga hipoteza pa je bila potrjena z merjenjem časa izdelave za vsak parameter posebej. Torej je čas izdelave premo sorazmeren s kvaliteto končnega izdelka.

Keywords:Filmski žanri, barvna korekcija, gibanje kamere, posebni učinki, glasba, zvok.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95355 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:Analytical comparison of movie generes when changing stylistic elements of the media
Nowadays films represent a large part of the entertainment industry. People are different, so they are consequently attracted to different films or various movie genres. Movie genres are related to the structure of stylistic and narrative elements that build the film form of the media. Examples include: drama, action, horror, comedy, science fiction, etc. The problem faced by directors is how and in what way the individual story is to be staged, with which technique to approximate, what color to use, where to record, how should camera move, which special effects to use and what kind of sound to add, etc. The result of the master's thesis is to visualize and analyze the four parameters that appear purely in each film. They are: color correction, camera movement, special effects and music or sound. In the theoretical part, the possibilities of the set parameters were explored and the film genres that were crucial for the analysis of the research were presented. They are: action, drama, horror, comedy and science fiction. In the experimental part, it was studied how these parameters affect the viewer's assessment and whether it is possible to determine the genre of the film based on just one parameter. The results are displayed in the form of charts. All three stages of production were also processed in experimental part: pre-production, production and postproduction. It was found that a single parameter can not correctly determine the film genre. Similarly, the combination of color correction and camera movement is not enough. Only when at least three parameters were included, the results were good (for all videos over 60%). The hypothesis was also reversed, saying that music and sound should yield the best results from all four parameters. The most successful parameter was a special effect, where for all videos results was exceeded 50%. However, hypotheses were confirmed that they say that from the technical and creative point of view the least complex is the choice of sound or music, and that most time is spent on producing special effects. The second hypothesis was confirmed by measuring the manufacturing time for each parameter separately. Therefore, the production time is proportional to the quality of the finished product.

Keywords:Movie genres, color correction, camera motion, special effects, music, sound.

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