
3kOT - Dogodek treh kateder skozi oko kamere
ID Pogačnik, Karin (Author), ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Učakar, Andrej (Comentor)

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MD5: 29CE2220FD6439725BD635B04F777E5A
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/70baca8d-5d70-4b09-9052-35a647dbcc17

Diplomsko delo obravnava video posnetek z dogodka 3kOT, ki se je na Naravoslovnotehniški fakulteti Oddelka za tekstilstvo, grafiko in oblikovanje odvil 15. 1. 2015. Na njem je udeležencem predstavljena tretja industrijska revolucija, ki je neposredno povezana s študijskimi programi fakultete. Na dogodku je snemala avtorica diplomskega dela in še dva druga študenta. Video gledalcu predstavi dogodek, sestavljen pa je iz posnetka in glasbene podlage, zvok je bil namreč video posnetkom odstranjen. Besedilo v prvem delu predstavi teoretično podlago videu, pri katerem so opisani kadri, perspektiva snemanja, sekvenca in plani ter video produkciji, kjer je govora o promocijskem videu in različnih fazah produkcije. V drugem delu pa sledi opis nastajanja videa z dogodka 3kOT. Opisani so namen, zamisel in lokacija snemanja, načrt dela, ekipa, oprema, snemanje na dogodku in postprodukcija. Ker je postprodukcija vzela največ časa, je predstavljena bolj podrobno. Opisana je montaža posnetkov, pregled posnetkov, rezanje in brisanje odvečnih posnetkov ter objava končnega rezultata na spletnem mestu. Predstavljena in utemeljena je izbira glasbene podlage. Opisani so tudi dodani grafični elementi in barvna korekcija posnetkov. V zadnjem delu sledijo še rezultati in razprava, torej predvsem, v kolikšni meri je bil dosežen namen videa ter kakšne so bile težave, s katerimi so se ustvarjalci srečevali med delom.

Keywords:3kOT, snemanje, promocijski video, video produkcija, video montaža
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95347 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
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Secondary language

Title:3kOT - An even through the eye of the camera
The diploma thesis treats a video about the event 3kOT - An Event through the Eye of the Camera, which took place 15 January 2015 at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Enineering at the Department of Textiles, Graphic arts and Design. At the event, the third industrial revolution was presented to the participants, which describes achievements directly connected to the studies at the aforementioned faculty. The author of this text and the two of her colleagues took the shots at the event. In the video, it is presented the event with the musical background we added. The original sound was removed. In first part, the diploma thesis describes the theoretical basis of video and video production. When we talk about the video, we present cadres, rakurses, sequence and plans. Video production describes promotional video and different phases of video production. In second part, we describe making of the video from the event 3kOT. We present the idea about the video, our objective, the location, plan of work, the team, our equipment, shooting of the event and postproduction. Because the postproduction was the most extensive, it is presented more in details. We write about film editing, supervision of all our shots, cutting and deleting and the publication of our final result on the internet page. We present our choice of music and we justify it. Graphical elements in the video and colour correction are presented as well. In the last part of the diploma thesis, we discuss the results of our work, which means whether our goal with the video was reached and the problems we had during our work.

Keywords:3kOT, shooting, promotional video, video production, video editing

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