
Ekološko oblikovana embalaža za naravno kozmetiko
ID Šepec, Urša (Author), ID Vrabič Brodnjak, Urška (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 28DC41477F4E4DD5771B0B5C48D890C6
PID: 20.500.12556/rul/a7465b6c-5394-40d0-8c0e-c6af84ea83ed
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PID: 20.500.12556/rul/e90186a4-38a8-43d4-a9bd-4f9153d7e8eb

Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati področje ekološkega oblikovanja, zahteve in priporočila pri embaliranju na področju kozmetične industrije ter načrtovati in izdelati inovativno ekološko oblikovano funkcionalno embalažo za kolekcijo trdnih mil in šamponov, ki po odprtju služi kot podstavek za milo na umivalniku. Poleg embalaže smo izdelali tudi etikete za ostale kozmetične izdelke, kot so losjoni, kreme in mazila. V teoretičnem delu je opredeljeno ekološko oblikovanje embalaže ter smernice in zahteve na področju embaliranja naravne kozmetike. V nadaljevanju teoretičnega dela sta predstavljena tudi tisk embalažnega materiala ter program za konstrukcijo embalaže. Embalaža za mila in šampon je sestavljena iz dveh delov, in sicer iz osnovnega tršega dela, v katerega je vstavljeno milo, ter ovitka. Plašč osnovnega dela embalaže je iz kartona višje gramature, v škatlico pa se sestavi enostavno, brez lepljenja. Ovitek embalaže je iz obojestransko premazanega papirja nižje gramature, ki se ovije okrog mila v škatlici ter na končnem robu zlepi. Za grafično podobo embalaže za milo in etiket za preostalo kozmetiko smo uporabili ilustracije zelišč, ki se nanašajo na logotip izdelovalke, ter različne barve, ki predstavljajo prevladujoče sestavine v kozmetičnih izdelkih. Končni izdelki so večja embalaža za trdno milo in manjša embalaža za šampon ter etikete različnih velikosti in oblik za losjone, kreme in mazila.

Keywords:embalaža, ekološko oblikovanje, naravni kozmetični izdelki, embalaža za milo, etikete
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-95337 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.09.2017
ŠEPEC, Urša, 2017, Ekološko oblikovana embalaža za naravno kozmetiko [online]. Bachelor’s thesis. [Accessed 23 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Construction of packaging for natural cosmetic products made on eco design
The purpose of this diploma thesys was to research the area of eco-packaging design, requirements and recommendations for packaging of cosmetics products. The goal was also to design and manufacture innovative ecologically designed and funcional packaging for natural soaps and shampoons collection, which can be used as a soap stand on the washbasin. Besides the packaging, we also designed and manufactured all the labels for other cosmetics products such as lotions and balms. Eco-design of packaging, design trends and requirements for natural cosmetics packaging are defined in theoretical part of diploma thesis, followed by printing of packaging material and computer software for packaging design introduction. Soap and shampoo packaging is made of two different parts: harder base which contains the soap and wrapping made of thinner paper. Base packaging surface is made of higher grammage cardboard and folds into box easily without using any glue. Wrapping is made of lower grammage paper coated on both sides, which is wrapped arround the soap in the box and glued on the end. For graphic image of soap packaging and other cosmetics line products illustrations of herbs, which relate to manufacturer logo and different colours related to main ingidients are used. Final products of packaging design are larger box for soap, smaller box for shampoo and different sized and shaped labels for different lotions and balms.

Keywords:packaging, eco-design, natural cosmetics products, soap packaging, labels

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